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Death Is Defeated: Happy Resurrection Day!
Death is defeated and Christ is exalted! Christ's resurrection not only saved us from sin and secured eternal life for us, but it also entitled us to receive blessings, favor, and an amazing inheritance reserved for those who attain righteousness through the blood of Christ. In today’s powerful Resurrection Day message, Dianna Hobbs reminds you to “Celebrate the fact that Christ the King reigns supreme.”
CeCe Winans offers encouragement for your New Year: ‘God is big enough to handle everything’
As you celebrate and embrace the New Year, CeCe Winans, the best-selling, most-awarded female gospel artist of all time is helping you start 2021 strong with a message of faith and hope.
Buzzworthy Inspiration : Come out of your spiritual desert, Be grateful, release guilt and shame
When you need to fuel up with some powerful inspiration for your week, EEW Magazine Online has just what you need. In case you were busy and unable to check out this week’s most buzzworthy encouragement, you should start with these three articles below. To get the latest empowerment, click here.
Feel like the world has gone crazy? 10 Bible verses to keep you sane
With eroding morals, dirty politics, rampant racism and corruption everywhere you look, sometimes, it feels like the world has gone crazy, but you don’t have to. The Bible is the perfect source to keep your heart and mind at peace in times of trouble. Read these 10 verses to protect your heart and mind!
Devotion: Expect abundant blessings
Feel like you’ll never see breakthrough? You will! It is God’s good pleasure to meet your needs. When you serve Him wholeheartedly, He is faithful to do the impossible for you! You may be persecuted, attacked and targeted by the enemy, but the attack won’t stop your blessings. It won’t block your favor.
Devotion: The enemy won’t steal your harvest
Today, God is sending this word to tell you, don’t be surprised by trouble when it shows up. Don’t be dismayed when the attack comes against your faith, family, finances, health, stability, or destiny. In the midst of adversity, be confident that God’s good plan will still unfold in your life. Satan cannot steal your harvest. He doesn’t have permission to take what’s yours!
Podcast: Things are coming full circle
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that you are about to see God’s providence, meaning His direct intervention, in your situation. It may look like you’re losing right now, but the Lord is going to turn this around and show you how He was setting you up all along to be victorious. It’s coming full circle. Watch and see! Listen and be encouraged!
Devotion: God is able to change it
You don’t have to sit back and passively accept your circumstances or assume things will never change. If your theme song has been “Que Será, Será,” (Whatever Will Be, Will Be), it’s time to change the tune. Boldly go to the throne of grace! Ask God to step in, intervene in negative situations and reverse the course of your destiny. Look forward to God answering you favorably!
Devotion: God will bless you abundantly
Do you need God to show up for you? Are you praying for supernatural increase, provision, and breakthrough? There is no limit to what God can do. He has great things in store for you. When you believe and give thanks, even when the odds aren’t in your favor, the Lord will show you special favor!
Podcast: God has better for you
Your past—both distant and recent—may have been filled with pain, issues, struggles, and challenges. From the looks of things, you will never get past your past and embrace a brighter future. But in today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says this is not the end of your story. God has better for you, and He is writing a brand new story!
Devotion: God’s favor is all you need!
It is not merely experience, man’s recommendation, or suitability for the job that secures a position for you. God’s favor is greater than all these things combined. When you are His choice, God opens doors for you and grants you access. He makes ways, moves mountains and increases you. God promotes you!
Devotion: Something good is on the way
God is about to pour out His goodness, favor and abundance on you. But He’s not doing it just to fulfill your selfish desires. He wants to use your life as a platform to showcase His glory and to draw others to Him. This devotion will prepare you for how God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out blessings! Get ready.
Podcast: Trust the sovereignty of God
Even when things don’t turn out the way you want them to, still trust God’s sovereignty. He is yet able to turn a negative into a positive, and change a worst-case-scenario into a best-case-scenario! Believe that He is in control and working things out in a way that brings Him glory, blesses you, and suits His purpose.
Podcast: God is doing it His way
God has many unconventional ways and alternate routes to accomplish His purpose. If you are going through something and things aren’t panning out the way you hoped they would, today’s powerful word will help uproot discouragement resulting from unmet expectations.
Devotion: Let go and let God
f you are going through something difficult, let go and let God. That isn’t always easy, especially when you feel like you need to be in control of the outcome. But when you let go and surrender, that’s when He will reveal Himself as Jehovah Jireh, a provider; Jehovah Raphe, a healer; Jehovah Shalom, your peace; Adonai, Lord and Master of all.
Devotion: You will come back from this
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t get down and out about what you see today. Sure, you may be in a low place, but you will come back from this. It’ll be alright. One thing I know about God is that He loves getting glory through the lives of those others count out. He specializes in elevating the lowly!
Devotion: You have everything you need
God, the greatest One of all, has chosen and anointed you, and loves you with an everlasting love. The next time you feel overwhelmed, inadequate, perplexed, or distressed by circumstances and situations, remind yourself that, because you have Him, you have all you need. Read this uplifting devotion and be encouraged in your spirit!
Feeling embarrassed by your struggle? Here are 7 scriptures to lift up your head
Feeling embarrassed by your present struggles? Be aware that Satan loves to use shame as a tool of discouragement to make you forget God loves you unconditionally and has a purpose for you. If you need a little reminder, here are 7 scriptures (with some extra encouragement thrown in for good measure) to lift up your bowed-down head.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Death is defeated and Christ is exalted! Christ's resurrection not only saved us from sin and secured eternal life for us, but it also entitled us to receive blessings, favor, and an amazing inheritance reserved for those who attain righteousness through the blood of Christ. In today’s powerful Resurrection Day message, Dianna Hobbs reminds you to “Celebrate the fact that Christ the King reigns supreme.”
Devotion: See the bigger picture
God is giving you some insight, fresh vision, and greater understanding of His awesome plans for you. He’s removing the scales from your eyes so you can see the bigger picture. Everything you’re presently facing is a setup for God to bless you, mature you, and use you as an effective witness for the Kingdom.