Death Is Defeated: Happy Resurrection Day!
Written By Dianna Hobbs // Resurrection Day // EEW Magazine Online
Death is defeated. Christ is exalted. Happy Resurrection to you my dear friend.
We ought to all be excited to celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the grave to bring freedom and liberty to us.
The words of Matthew 28:5-6 NLT resonate, especially today: “Then the angel spoke to the women. ‘Don’t be afraid!’ he said. ‘I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying.’”
Let your heart overflow with praise and gratitude that Jesus Christ got up from the grave with all power in His hands. This is the greatest news we could ever receive, because the same resurrecting power is working in us today.
“The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in you. You can do all things through Christ!”
Christ's resurrection not only saved us from sin and secured eternal life for us, but it also entitled us to receive blessings, favor, and an amazing inheritance reserved for those who attain righteousness through faith in the redemptive work of Christ.
On this day, I could not overlook the opportunity to connect with you and invite you to join me and other believers around the world in celebrating the fact that Christ the King reigns supreme. Together, let us bask in knowing that no matter what you or I may be going through, Christ died and rose to bring liberty to the captive. That means we have been freed from bondage in every form. Embrace and celebrate that liberty!
God sent me to remind you that whatever has come to hold you back must release you. The Resurrected King, Jesus Christ, has broken the chains of enslavement. We are victorious through Him.
Now let’s pray this prayer.
God, I thank You for sending Your son Jesus to die and rise for my sin. I praise You that by faith, I have attained freedom from sin and inherited eternal life through Christ. Help me to be ever mindful that, because of Christ’s resurrection, I am free from whatever tries to hold me back, and I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me according to Romans 8:37. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Have a blessed Easter this year.
Dianna Hobbs is founder of EEW Magazine Online and CEO of Empowering Everyday Women Ministries — a 501c3 nonprofit organization that shares the gospel and provides humanitarian aid to the hurting. She is also the writer of Your Daily Cup of Inspiration and executive producer of the companion podcast. Follow Dianna on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. Sign up for her free ministry newsletter here.