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Dianna Hobbs, Christian Blogger and Podcaster, Opens Up About Mental Health and Trauma
Dianna Hobbs, Christian blogger and podcaster, bravely shares her struggles with mental health and recovery from a 2019 Traumatic Brain Injury.
Dianna Hobbs says devastating brain trauma taught her to ditch perfection
Dianna Hobbs recently discussed her journey to ditch perfection while navigating her new limitations caused by brain trauma on her Your Daily Cup of Inspiration podcast which has been downloaded by more than 750,000 people according to official podcast analytics data.
Podcast: God has already done it
In life, some days and nights can be really dark and uncertain. You can’t always feel God or see Him working, but know that He is with you, and that He has already worked it out in your favor. If you have been feeling worried, anxious, sad, and discouraged, this message will lift your spirit!
Podcast: Things are coming full circle
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that you are about to see God’s providence, meaning His direct intervention, in your situation. It may look like you’re losing right now, but the Lord is going to turn this around and show you how He was setting you up all along to be victorious. It’s coming full circle. Watch and see! Listen and be encouraged!
Podcast: Because God said it
Does the outcome look bleak based upon your present conditions? Are you fighting discouragement? In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, even when your circumstances don’t align with the word of God, you can still remain confident that whatever He has said must happen. As you listen, you will be encouraged to lift up your head and expect to see manifestation!
Podcast: God has better for you
Your past—both distant and recent—may have been filled with pain, issues, struggles, and challenges. From the looks of things, you will never get past your past and embrace a brighter future. But in today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says this is not the end of your story. God has better for you, and He is writing a brand new story!
Devotion: God’s favor is all you need!
It is not merely experience, man’s recommendation, or suitability for the job that secures a position for you. God’s favor is greater than all these things combined. When you are His choice, God opens doors for you and grants you access. He makes ways, moves mountains and increases you. God promotes you!
Podcast: You serve a strategic God
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that God is so strategic, meaning He has carefully designed and planned things to serve His awesome purpose. If you are in a season of uncertainty, where nothing makes much sense, know that the Lord is up to something great, and setting the stage to show up!
Podcast: I am convinced that God is able!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs inspires you through the word of God to be confident that the Lord is able to do anything—even this thing—no matter how hard it may be. She says you can be fully confident that God is faithful and will keep every promise, and fulfill His word to you. Listen and be blessed!
Podcast: God wants better for you
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, what you prefer to happen isn’t always best for you. Sometimes, the thing that upsets, annoys, disappoints, or frustrates you the most, is the very thing God is using to mature you, prepare you, and position you to receive greater and better. Listen to this inspirational podcast and prepare to be tremendously blessed!
Podcast: Anticipate good things!
When bad things happen and circumstances look bleak, it’s easy to expect the worst instead of believing God for the best. But this encouragement is God’s way of drawing your attention away from negative contingencies and focusing you on the positive possibilities that exist for those that believe!
Podcast: Expect it to happen
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, God’s word never fails. Increase your level of expectancy. Believe His promises will to come to pass. Stand firmly upon the word of God which never fails. Whatever it is you need God to do in your life, He’s more than able to do it. Listen and be blessed.
Podcast: Be confident God will make a way
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs is building your confidence and assuring you that God, the way-maker, is making a way just for you! In seasons of life when you lack answers to pressing questions, your confidence can suffer. That’s where your faith comes in. Trust in the Lord!
Podcast: This won’t shake your faith
You can’t stop the storms of life from shaking up your world, but as long as you are rooted in God’s word, whatever comes your way, will not shake your faith. When you believe in and stand upon God’s unfailing, unshakeable promises, you won’t be defeated.
Podcast: God will confirm His word
What you hope and believe for doesn’t always seem possible, but your faith unlocks the door. God will send confirmation and His plan will be revealed. So stay firmly rooted in faith. Don’t let negative circumstances uproot you. Remain anchored in God’s word!
Podcast: Your expectation will be met
Go ahead and get excited that your expectations that God will show you favor, give you blessings, and secure victory for you, will be met. God is doing some things for you that, right now, remain underground and out of view. You can’t see yet, but it’s about to be revealed.
Podcast: God’s favor influences outcomes
No matter how negative the situation is that you’re facing today, you can expect God’s favor to influence the outcome in an amazing way. While none of us gets to skip over trials, hardship, and adversity, as long as God is on your side, it’s all good.
Podcast: God’s power makes it possible
Through this word, God is reminding you that you don’t have to face this on your own. He’s with you. Don’t give up. Do not be afraid. And don’t walk away in frustration. Stand firmly upon the word of God, knowing that nothing is impossible for Him!
Podcast: You will receive God’s best
Obedience is the path to receive increase and the best God has to offer! When you heed the voice of God, and follow the path He has laid out for you, He will bless you, honor you, favor you, and place His hand on your endeavors. Listen to today’s podcast, and be blessed!
Podcast: You’re about to get up
This valley cannot keep you; this storm cannot destroy you; and these chains must break! You’re about to get up because God has ordained your release. The key to breaking free is placing your faith in the One that is greater than every force that has come against you.