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Death Is Defeated: Happy Resurrection Day!
Death is defeated and Christ is exalted! Christ's resurrection not only saved us from sin and secured eternal life for us, but it also entitled us to receive blessings, favor, and an amazing inheritance reserved for those who attain righteousness through the blood of Christ. In today’s powerful Resurrection Day message, Dianna Hobbs reminds you to “Celebrate the fact that Christ the King reigns supreme.”
Podcast: God has chosen to bless you!
Are you ready for something new, fresh, and amazing to happen in your life? In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, there are some good things God is about to do for you that you are not expecting. He is adding to you in this season and making you fruitful. When He is finished pouring out His goodness and favor on you, it will leave you rejoicing, and in awe of His amazing and all-surpassing grace!
Devotion: Who can be against you?
Are you in a season where it feels like everything is coming against you? Well, when Satan opposes you, he has to contend with God, and we know the Lord has an undefeated record. So then, whatever the attack is—whether it be physical, financial, spiritual, emotional, or relational—don’t worry. Don’t be fearful. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t get anxious. God’s got this!
Devotion: God is preparing you for victory
Do your circumstances seem to be pointing to the worst possible outcome? Well, God is working things out and moving on your behalf. His hand of deliverance is outstretched. Though the enemy has come at you full-force and adversity is all around, you are surrounded by His favor. God’s power has already secured your victory!
Podcast: Get ready for a divine switch!
To switch, by definition is to change direction or make a radical shift. And through this word, God is preparing your heart for something unexpected He wants to do in your life. It won’t follow your pattern and He won’t do it your way, but if you remain open to His will, you’ll receive unanticipated blessings and favor!
Devotion: The enemy won’t steal your harvest
Today, God is sending this word to tell you, don’t be surprised by trouble when it shows up. Don’t be dismayed when the attack comes against your faith, family, finances, health, stability, or destiny. In the midst of adversity, be confident that God’s good plan will still unfold in your life. Satan cannot steal your harvest. He doesn’t have permission to take what’s yours!
Podcast: God is doing it His way
God has many unconventional ways and alternate routes to accomplish His purpose. If you are going through something and things aren’t panning out the way you hoped they would, today’s powerful word will help uproot discouragement resulting from unmet expectations.
Devotion: In an unfortunate situation?
There are seasons when things suddenly go haywire. Accidents occur. Traumatic situations manifest. You face setbacks. Challenges present themselves. But the good news is, no matter how unfortunate the circumstances, you are fortunate God, who is all-powerful, on your side. He can turn any situation around.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Death is defeated and Christ is exalted! Christ's resurrection not only saved us from sin and secured eternal life for us, but it also entitled us to receive blessings, favor, and an amazing inheritance reserved for those who attain righteousness through the blood of Christ. In today’s powerful Resurrection Day message, Dianna Hobbs reminds you to “Celebrate the fact that Christ the King reigns supreme.”
Podcast: Anticipate good things!
When bad things happen and circumstances look bleak, it’s easy to expect the worst instead of believing God for the best. But this encouragement is God’s way of drawing your attention away from negative contingencies and focusing you on the positive possibilities that exist for those that believe!
Devotion: See the bigger picture
God is giving you some insight, fresh vision, and greater understanding of His awesome plans for you. He’s removing the scales from your eyes so you can see the bigger picture. Everything you’re presently facing is a setup for God to bless you, mature you, and use you as an effective witness for the Kingdom.
Podcast: Keep your eyes on Jesus
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs tells you where she's been, and also, she encourages you to keep your eyes on Jesus—whatever you’re going through, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you, and He will surely come through in every circumstance!
Inspiration: How to be content in all seasons
On our own, we all struggle to be content, which is to remain in a state of peace and satisfaction. We constantly see reasons to be dissatisfied. But contentment is possible, through Christ. When you rest in Him all the circumstances of life don’t have to be perfect. Your joy is full when you remain in Him!
Podcast: Be confident God will make a way
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs is building your confidence and assuring you that God, the way-maker, is making a way just for you! In seasons of life when you lack answers to pressing questions, your confidence can suffer. That’s where your faith comes in. Trust in the Lord!
We love it: New inspirational coffee mug celebrates melanated queens
What a great way to mark Black History Month: with the release of an inspirational coffee mug that celebrates black women’s faith and melanin. Best of all, the proceeds benefit literacy programs for inner-city kids. This new mug says “Melanated & Consecrated.” You’ll love it.
Podcast: You will receive God’s best
Obedience is the path to receive increase and the best God has to offer! When you heed the voice of God, and follow the path He has laid out for you, He will bless you, honor you, favor you, and place His hand on your endeavors. Listen to today’s podcast, and be blessed!
Devotion: You're being processed
In God’s Kingdom, there are some places you can’t step into without being refined, processed, matured, and worked on. Keep this in mind if you feel like you’re stagnant and you desperately want to see increase, elevation, and breakthrough.
Podcast: Your breakthrough is closer than you think
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, your breakthrough isn’t as far away as it may seem. Some good things are right next door … just around the corner. Don’t worry. Your worst situation is about to take a turn for the best!
Devotion: God is setting you up
Things might look pretty awful right now. You feel trapped. But no. You are not stuck. You are just being set up for a wonderful and miraculous display of God’s power. Go forward in faith knowing that the best is yet to come.
Podcast: You’re about to get up
This valley cannot keep you; this storm cannot destroy you; and these chains must break! You’re about to get up because God has ordained your release. The key to breaking free is placing your faith in the One that is greater than every force that has come against you.