5 Bible stories to read when you need a miracle + why you should read them
Credit: Grace Cary/Getty Images
By Julia Dunn // Biblical Wisdom // EEW Magazine Online
Ever needed a miracle desperately and were holding on to faith by a thread? While some sit around and wrestle with doubt on their own, there is something much better you can do.
Go to the Word of God, your inexhaustible resource, and immerse yourself in the true stories of the men and women of faith before us that believed God and saw Him do the miraculous.
Below, EEW Magazine Online is listing 5 Bible stories you should read when you need a miracle, and we’re telling you why you should read them!
Let’s get started.
#1 Naaman is healed of leprosy. (2 Kings 5:1-14)
Naaman was the commander of the army of Aram, but he had leprosy, an awful skin disease. After the prophet Elisha told Naaman to dip in the filthy Jordan River seven times to get his healing, Naaman was not happy with those instructions and almost missed his blessing by refusing. But when he finally obeyed the word of God after some protesting, Naaman’s skin disease went away.
Why should you read this? Often, when we are waiting on God to move, we wish things would go a different way. We can sometimes be inflexible and frown upon God’s plan. But this Bible story reminds you that the miracle won’t always happen when, where, or how you want it to, but it will happen according to God’s will. Just remain open and say yes to God’s way. You won’t regret it.
#2 A man born blind receives his sight. (John 9:1-12)
There was a man in Scripture who was blind from birth. When the disciples encountered him, they assumed his blindness was a punishment for sin. But Jesus explained that no one had sinned. The Lord allowed the temporary blindness so the works of God could be displayed through him. Jesus healed the man and gave him his eyesight.
Why should you read this? There are seasons of life when you endure painful, unfortunate, and unfair situations. When searching for reasons why, questions pop up like: Did I cause the calamity? Is God angry with me? Is personal sin the reason? But this biblical account reminds you that God temporarily allows some storms to show off His power to calm them. He will use your malady to demonstrate that He is the remedy. God just wants to get glory through you.
#3 The Shunammite’s son is restored to life. (2 Kings 4:8-37)
A rich Shunammite woman who was barren showed kindness to the prophet Elisha, and God sent a prophecy that she would give birth to a son. The prophecy came true, but one day, after complaining of a headache, the boy died. The woman could have (and probably should have) panicked. But instead, she went to look for the prophet and told her husband, “It is well” before the miracle manifested. Amazingly, God used Elisha to restore the boy to life.
Why should you read this? During times of uncertainty, especially when tragedy strikes, it’s normal to feel panicky and worried. But this Shunammite woman shows you how to trust God through the worst crisis and remain calm in the face of affliction. You, too, can declare by faith that “It is well,” because God specializes in restoring, healing, turning things around, and doing the impossible.
#4 10 lepers were cleansed by Jesus. (Luke 17:11-19)
One day, as Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, He encountered 10 lepers who cried out from a distance, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” Jesus looked upon these men, society’s outcasts, with compassion and cleansed them of their leprosy. Though 10 men were cleansed, only one came back to express his thanks to the Messiah.
Why should you read this? There are two reasons why. First, this historical event proves that God cares about your situation, even if others turn away from you. When you cry out in faith, you get the Lord’s attention, and He moves in your favor. Second, this situation shows the importance of giving God praise and thanks when He performs the miracle for you. After He blesses you, don’t forget about Him.
#5 Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:1-46)
Jesus was told that His friend Lazarus was sick. Instead of going to Lazarus right away and healing him, Jesus delayed his coming. By the time the Savior arrived, Lazarus had been dead four days. Martha, his sister, blamed Jesus, telling Jesus that had He arrived sooner, He could have prevented the death. But Jesus had a greater plan. He raised Lazarus from the dead!
Why should you read this? This spectacular miracle makes a bold statement—that for God, it’s never too nor too hard. When you get frustrated with the delay, know that delay does not mean denial. Also, what appears to be a rejection can turn out to be a blessing in disguise. When God says no to one thing, trust and believe that He is doing something greater and better.
As you see, the Bible is a rich tapestry of faith-strengthening stories woven together for our edification. When you are in a storm, praying for a miracle, and pleading with God to change your circumstances, go to these stories and others, and draw what you need from the well that never runs dry.