Be Empowered.
Change Been A Long Time Coming? Powerful things happen overnight!
Holding onto hope when change feels slow? Dianna Hobbs reminds you that God is a God of the sudden overnight miracle. Be encouraged by biblical stories of swift breakthroughs as you await your own!
Divine Discernment: Refuting Misconceptions with the Power of Scripture
The best way to overcome misconceptions is through divine discernment which is sharpened by reading God’s Word.
Tamron Hall: Charting a Path of Resilience and Faith in the Face of Adversity
Tamron Hall’s words and work shine a spotlight on the enduring capacity of the human spirit to overcome, guided by the unseen hand of divine timing.
Prayer is the Light in Our Darkest Hours: 5 Scriptures to Meditate On
If you need some light in your darkest hours, EEW Magazine Online is offering up 5 Bible verses for you to meditate on that demonstrate why prayer is so necessary and effective.
Does God need a public relations representative to help brand Christianity?
Throughout history, bad actors have claimed to represent God and the church while abusing their influence, distorting the gospel, and turning people off.
Dream Bigger! 7 dynamic Bible verses to help you believe God for greater things
If you, like so many others, are struggling in your faith and need motivation to dream bigger and expect better, here are 7 Scriptures EEW Magazine Online recommends.
Don't let fear and disappointment stop you from believing God for a turnaround
Many of us want to believe that things will be significantly different. However, fear keeps us from asking for these changes.
10 powerful Scriptures for intentional faith-building
We are inevitably tested and tried daily in various ways. Without faith, we cannot remain anchored in these times of testing. Therefore, it is critical to be intentional about faith-building.
What Are You Saying? Are you speaking words of fear or faith?
When you stop using the language of fear and adopt the language of faith, you activate God’s power and pave the way for God to manifest His goodness, blessings, and favor.
Take it from Taraji: Say no to fear that's 'there to distract you' and yes to faith
Take it from Taraji! Fear will rob you. Don’t let it. “Fear is there to distract you. That’s its only purpose. It makes you waste time,” said Henson.
Dance In Advance: Praise for your promise right now.
Praise in advance for the manifestation of your promise. Don’t wait until you see it. Receive this word, and rejoice like you’ve already got your breakthrough. In today’s powerful word of encouragement, Dianna Hobbs stirs faith for fulfillment into your cup of inspiration!
Christian Parenting: Yolanda Adams taught her daughter Taylor, ‘Find your own relationship with God’
Contemporary gospel songbird, Yolanda Adams, 60, put that Scripture into practice, as she encouraged her daughter, Taylor Ayanna Crawford, 21, to find her “own relationship with God” in her youth.
Your Season of More than Enough: God is about to give you surplus in the wilderness
Prepare for exceeding, abundantly, above blessings. Oh, yes. They’re on the way. You can go ahead and proclaim that every need is met. Every way is made. Every dry place is watered. And every circumstance where there is lack, God is sending abundance.
5 Bible stories to read when you need a miracle + why you should read them
Go to the Word of God, your inexhaustible resource, and immerse yourself in the true stories of the men and women of faith before us that believed God and saw Him do the miraculous.
This May Shock You: 5 widely accepted myths about Christianity busted
There are lots of myths folks embrace about Christianity, but they may be shocked to find that these beliefs contain no truth whatsoever. Here is EEW Magazine’s brief list of Christian myths busted!
Research shows the world is growing more secular: Here’s how you can stay rooted in your faith
While secularism, an ideology that promotes freedom to follow any religion or none at all, is taking hold of people of all ages, you don’t have to succumb to the trend. There are ways to keep yourself firmly rooted in faith and positively impact your family’s faith for generations to come.
How can I improve? 5 ways to be a better disciple of Christ
In case you are searching for ways to grow, evolve, and improve in your commitment to God, EEW Magazine Online is here to help. We are offering 7 things you can do to be a better disciple of Christ which is a deep desire of every genuine Christian.
7 of our favorite Scriptures to remind you that you have the victory + a powerful prayer
In moments of struggle and dismay, the best way to fight worry, discouragement and defeated thoughts is with the word of God. It has a way of lifting you out of your lowest valleys and reminding you that you are victorious.
Be Not Deceived: False prophecies predicting Trump’s victory still believed by some
What sets true prophecy apart from false prophecy is manifestation. This is how we know that multiple political-based prophetic predictions were invalid, and those spewing falsehoods in the name of the Lord were not sent by Him.
Need a faith boost? Read and meditate on these 6 inspiring Scriptures to help you trust God
If you need a lift and a reason to cling to faith in the face of negative circumstances, EEW Magazine Online is offering these 6 verses for you to meditate on daily. They will make your faith stronger and inspire you to keep trusting the God who never fails!