Been in a slump for a while? 5 things to do when you lack motivation
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By EEW Magazine Online // Empowerment
We all have down days, but when those days turn into weeks or months, there needs to be a strategy in place to overcome your lack of motivation.
When you notice that your inspiration, desire, and discipline have gone missing, don’t just shrug it off and give up without a fight. Your divine destiny and holistic well-being are well worth fighting for, and you have what it takes to win the fight.
To assist you in developing a winning strategy for overcoming lack of motivation, EEW Magazine Online is offering 5 suggestions.
#1 Remember your why. If you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and going through the motions for nothing, you won’t be inspired to keep going. Who wants to take a series of steps leading nowhere? You must make a conscious effort to mentally connect your mundane, ordinary, daily actions to a much bigger, deeper purpose. This step is called remembering your why. It gets you back in touch with what motivated you to work toward certain goals in the first place. When your process, your principles, and your purpose align, you will have all the motivation you need.
#2 Get to the root of the issue. If your get-up-and-go got up and went—especially if you have been dragging for a good while—there is a core reason. You must get to the heart of what the issue might be if you ever hope to rebound. The way you accomplish this is by asking yourself good questions like: when did I first start feeling unmotivated? What was happening in my life around the time I lost steam? What is really bothering me deep inside and keeping me stuck in a rut? The better the questions, the better the answers, and the better equipped you will be to shake yourself out of your unmotivated funk.
#3 Confide in someone you trust. When you are unmotivated, you can find yourself losing interest in what you once enjoyed, including social interaction. But the worst thing you can do is self-isolate and stop communicating, because then you cut yourself off from the much-needed advice, assistance, and affection of those you trust. Identifying who you can confide in—perhaps, even a therapist who can assess whether there are underlying mental health issues that need to be addressed—can be useful. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes on the situation can give you new perspective and remedy difficult mental, spiritual, and emotional problems. But you must first open yourself up in order to receive the lift you need.
#4 Focus on self-care. When you are burnt out, it’s typical to give up on important things like self-care. Because you are overwhelmed, routines feel difficult, and you frequently avoid the very activities that make you feel better. Personal hygiene, healthy nutrition, and mood-boosting exercises are beneficial, so don’t neglect them. Even more crucial is remaining focused on spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible study, and worship. All these things are part of a solid self-care plan and will get you feeling better faster.
#5 Be confident that this will pass. Once you take the first steps toward getting back in the swing of things, be realistic about the process. Don’t expect your feelings and everything else to regulate overnight. Though it will take time to completely recover, be confident that this low point in your life will pass. These dark clouds won’t hang over your head forever. If you do the self-work and keep taking steps, even small ones, gradually, things will start to come together.
Know that every person will hit bumps on the road to destiny. But when your path gets rocky, Christ, the rock of your salvation, will stabilize you. And the equipping power of the Holy Spirit will empower you to do what is necessary to fulfill your purpose.