Be Empowered.
The Spiritual Waiting Room: Encouragement in Delayed Manifestation
Discover how to trust God through life's detours and delays, finding strength in the stories of biblical figures who also experienced delays but ultimately saw God's faithfulness revealed.
Faith Unswayed: 10 Biblical Strategies for Embracing God’s Calling Amidst the Noise of Criticism
To help you navigate criticism biblically, EEW Magazine Online delves into 10 compelling reasons why Christian women should not let the noise of criticism deter them from walking in the fullness of their destiny.
Shining the Light of Truth: 8 Faith-Focused Ways to Discern Gaslighting and Stand Firm in Your Spiritual Reality
EEW Magazine Online is sharing with you will 8 critical methods to identify gaslighting, infused with the wisdom of the Word, and offering guidance on how to reclaim the truth of your identity in Christ.
5 Ways a Woman of God Can Be More Confident in Her Everyday Life
If you are looking for ways to enhance your confidence, EEW Magazine is offering five tips with transformative power to shape your heart and mind.
5 reasons why you should pray the Word of God every single day
Each time you pray the Word, you seize upon the priceless opportunity to confess God’s irrefutable promises over your intimidating problems.
The lens through which you see your circumstances needs to be adjusted. Here’s why.
Since faith is required to reap blessings and benefits, a pessimistic perspective is too costly!
A Letter to the Over-Thinker: Here’s the way to calm an anxious mind—according to the Word of God
You’ve been anxious lately. You feel overwhelmed by your thoughts. You try to analyze, rationalize, plan, forecast, and understand everything. But that’s impossible to do.
You Glow In The Dark: 9 ways to shine even brighter for the Lord
Once we accept the gift of salvation, we are expected to produce righteous fruit, good works, and radiate Jesus, the Light of the World.
You Can Do It, Sis! 5 power-packed and Bible-based principles to help you reach your goals this year
Ready to reach your goals? Apply these 5 principles!
Dream Bigger! 7 dynamic Bible verses to help you believe God for greater things
If you, like so many others, are struggling in your faith and need motivation to dream bigger and expect better, here are 7 Scriptures EEW Magazine Online recommends.
What is self-love? 3 ways you can instantly have more of it
The more you love yourself—not in a narcissistic way but in the way that God intended—the more you can love others. So, the question then becomes, how can I possess and maximize the kind of self-love that is divine?
Don't let fear and disappointment stop you from believing God for a turnaround
Many of us want to believe that things will be significantly different. However, fear keeps us from asking for these changes.
Become a Better You: 8 things you need to be thinking about and working toward
EEW Magazine Online is offering 8 areas of focus to give added attention, time, and effort to this year and every year for maximum productivity.
7 ways to avoid being emotionally manipulated by bad news reports
If you put your trust in media reports and allow your emotions to be overtaken by gloomy, pessimistic predictions, you will be an internal train wreck! So how can you avoid doing this?
You’re going places! 8 powerful self-affirmations to help you stay optimistic
EEW Magazine Online’s got your back as always and is giving you 8 powerful self-affirmations to speak over yourself.
What Jesus said about productivity + 6 ways to get more done
If the Son of God—who saved the whole world in 33 years—had something to say about maximizing His time, it behooves us to listen.
Girl, pray about it! 7 Scriptures to invigorate your prayer life
7 Scriptures to invigorate your prayer life