Be Empowered.
Been in a slump for a while? 5 things to do when you lack motivation
When you notice that your inspiration, desire, and discipline have gone missing, don’t just shrug it off and give up without a fight. Your divine destiny and holistic well-being are worth fighting for, and you have what it takes to win the fight.
Should You Trust Them? 7 laws that help you avoid and overcome manipulation tactics
Manipulation can be a force for evil and a particularly sinister vice when used by unsavory people. Depending on how effective someone is at the art of manipulation, they can get almost anyone to do whatever they want them to.
Quit That! 3 things we do too often that are terrible for our mental health
EEW Magazine Online is offering insight into 3 things we often do that are terrible for our mental health and encouraging you to quit doing these things, effective immediately.
See Yourself Differently: 5 ways to increase your sense of self-worth
Self-esteem issues are not uncommon. Some of the most empowered women in the world, if they are honest, will tell you that they, too, have moments when they think negative, low thoughts about themselves.
Feeling too small and insignificant to make an impact? 5 important lessons to remember
When you look around and see all the problems in the world, as well as your personal obstacles and limitations, you may question whether you are significant enough to make a real difference. The answer is of course you are!
Working from home? 5 useful strategies to maximize your productivity
Though not having to go into an office daily has benefits, there can be lots of disadvantages that will hinder you from successfully achieving your goals. Use these 5 tips to help you!
Finding joy in the simple things: 5 easy ways to feel better every day
If you want to experience more happiness and a better outlook, EEW Magazine Online recommends starting with the small stuff, the everyday stuff, the ordinary stuff. Here are 5 simple things to infuse some happiness into your day.
Don’t take that into the New Year! 5 things to leave in 2020
Since 2020 is almost behind us, now is a good time to evaluate yourself as you look forward to change, and expect new and better things. If you want to be productive in the future and fully embrace the New Year and all it has to offer, EEW Magazine Online is sharing 5 things you shouldn’t carry forward into 2021.
Need Some Time To Refocus and Replenish? 5 ways to put yourself first
If you don’t know how to put yourself first and give yourself some much-needed time to refocus and restore, you’re not alone.
Don’t You Dare Compare: 3 reasons to celebrate others while embracing your uniqueness
piritually mature and healthy women know, when others shine, it doesn’t dim their light. God’s creation is beautifully diverse, and there is more than enough room for everyone. Keep in mind that the blueprint for your life isn’t the same as anyone else’s. This reminder will help you avoid the pitfall of comparison.
Stay Out of Drama: 4 ways to be an unproblematic queen
While no one is everyone’s cup of tea, and toxic types will find a reason to criticize and dislike anyone – even when they’re doing a good thing – you can at least do your part to stay out of petty disputes, messy situations, and say no to inappropriate behaviors.
My peace will not be disrupted: 7 ways to remain unbothered in a crisis
Hard times come for everybody, and crises are unavoidable. Still, you don’t have to panic in times of crisis. You can remain unbothered and confident that God is in control. While that may seem too good to be true, it isn’t. You really don’t have to allow your peace to be disrupted. It’s a choice.