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Devotion: Expect abundant blessings
Feel like you’ll never see breakthrough? You will! It is God’s good pleasure to meet your needs. When you serve Him wholeheartedly, He is faithful to do the impossible for you! You may be persecuted, attacked and targeted by the enemy, but the attack won’t stop your blessings. It won’t block your favor.
Devotion: The enemy won’t steal your harvest
Today, God is sending this word to tell you, don’t be surprised by trouble when it shows up. Don’t be dismayed when the attack comes against your faith, family, finances, health, stability, or destiny. In the midst of adversity, be confident that God’s good plan will still unfold in your life. Satan cannot steal your harvest. He doesn’t have permission to take what’s yours!
Devotion: Something good is on the way
God is about to pour out His goodness, favor and abundance on you. But He’s not doing it just to fulfill your selfish desires. He wants to use your life as a platform to showcase His glory and to draw others to Him. This devotion will prepare you for how God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out blessings! Get ready.
Podcast: It's turning
You need to hear this. God’s declaration to you that He is about to put you in a totally different position in your life. He’s transforming your circumstances and transitioning you into a better life situation. God is meeting you right where you are and taking you to the place He desires you to be.
Podcast: Be open to receive
God has blessings, miracles, signs and wonders with your name on it. All He’s looking for is someone ready, willing, and open to receive, and who has enough faith to believe Him for the impossible. If that’s you, get prepared to reap a plentiful harvest.
Podcast: God’s power makes it possible
Through this word, God is reminding you that you don’t have to face this on your own. He’s with you. Don’t give up. Do not be afraid. And don’t walk away in frustration. Stand firmly upon the word of God, knowing that nothing is impossible for Him!
Podcast: You will receive God’s best
Obedience is the path to receive increase and the best God has to offer! When you heed the voice of God, and follow the path He has laid out for you, He will bless you, honor you, favor you, and place His hand on your endeavors. Listen to today’s podcast, and be blessed!
Podcast: Your breakthrough is closer than you think
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, your breakthrough isn’t as far away as it may seem. Some good things are right next door … just around the corner. Don’t worry. Your worst situation is about to take a turn for the best!
Devotion: God is setting you up
Things might look pretty awful right now. You feel trapped. But no. You are not stuck. You are just being set up for a wonderful and miraculous display of God’s power. Go forward in faith knowing that the best is yet to come.
Podcast: You’re about to get up
This valley cannot keep you; this storm cannot destroy you; and these chains must break! You’re about to get up because God has ordained your release. The key to breaking free is placing your faith in the One that is greater than every force that has come against you.
Devotion: Sick and tired of it?
What if you have been relying on God’s word, trusting His promises, and following His precepts, and yet, turmoil and a tremendous amount of trouble is in your life? What do you do when you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired? This devotion tells you!
Devotion + Prayer Requests: God already blocked it
There is no need to worry about the enemy’s sneak attack. He’ll try to catch you off guard and ambush you. But you’ve got a Rear Guard, the Lord of Hosts, blocking the enemy’s weapons!
Podcast: When it seems too late
God is going to show up. It’s never too late for Him to work! He’s going get glory out of this. He is allowing this season to teach you that is neither too hard nor too late for Him to work in your favor.
Devotion: You won’t die in the storm
Everywhere you look, all you may see is wreckage. Your life may be in ruins, but you will not be ruined. God will bring you safely to the shore. You will not be swallowed up and drowned by this storm!
Podcast: Nothing can hold you back!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, your history, your limitations, and every negative thing working against you, has NO power to hold you back from getting all God has for you.
Podcast: Nothing can stop God’s hand
When God puts His hand on something, the plan He puts forth cannot be stopped, thwarted, or undermined. He is sovereign and in complete control. So rebuke worry and embrace faith in God’s promises!
Podcast: It’s just a temporary disruption
A disruption is a disturbance or problem that interrupts something else. Although God has allowed the temporary disruption, He won’t allow it to thwart His purpose. This trouble is temporary!
Devotion: You have been released
The same resurrecting power that cheated death in the Old Testament and raised Jesus from the dead on the third day, is yet working in your life. You may be in a low place, but you will rise again.