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Devotion: Expect abundant blessings
Feel like you’ll never see breakthrough? You will! It is God’s good pleasure to meet your needs. When you serve Him wholeheartedly, He is faithful to do the impossible for you! You may be persecuted, attacked and targeted by the enemy, but the attack won’t stop your blessings. It won’t block your favor.
Devotion: The enemy won’t steal your harvest
Today, God is sending this word to tell you, don’t be surprised by trouble when it shows up. Don’t be dismayed when the attack comes against your faith, family, finances, health, stability, or destiny. In the midst of adversity, be confident that God’s good plan will still unfold in your life. Satan cannot steal your harvest. He doesn’t have permission to take what’s yours!
Devotion: Something good is on the way
God is about to pour out His goodness, favor and abundance on you. But He’s not doing it just to fulfill your selfish desires. He wants to use your life as a platform to showcase His glory and to draw others to Him. This devotion will prepare you for how God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out blessings! Get ready.
Podcast: God is doing it His way
God has many unconventional ways and alternate routes to accomplish His purpose. If you are going through something and things aren’t panning out the way you hoped they would, today’s powerful word will help uproot discouragement resulting from unmet expectations.
Devotion: Let go and let God
f you are going through something difficult, let go and let God. That isn’t always easy, especially when you feel like you need to be in control of the outcome. But when you let go and surrender, that’s when He will reveal Himself as Jehovah Jireh, a provider; Jehovah Raphe, a healer; Jehovah Shalom, your peace; Adonai, Lord and Master of all.
Devotion: You will come back from this
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t get down and out about what you see today. Sure, you may be in a low place, but you will come back from this. It’ll be alright. One thing I know about God is that He loves getting glory through the lives of those others count out. He specializes in elevating the lowly!
Devotion: See the bigger picture
God is giving you some insight, fresh vision, and greater understanding of His awesome plans for you. He’s removing the scales from your eyes so you can see the bigger picture. Everything you’re presently facing is a setup for God to bless you, mature you, and use you as an effective witness for the Kingdom.
Inspiration: How to be content in all seasons
On our own, we all struggle to be content, which is to remain in a state of peace and satisfaction. We constantly see reasons to be dissatisfied. But contentment is possible, through Christ. When you rest in Him all the circumstances of life don’t have to be perfect. Your joy is full when you remain in Him!
Devotion: Expect the unexpected
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t try to figure God out, just let Him work it out. Be assured that the way He does things will be a blessing to your life. Instead of trying to predict the outcome, expect the unexpected, and trust His sovereignty. There is an unanticipated harvest waiting for you. Good things are coming!
Devotion: Don't let it steal your peace
Life and all its issues will give you plenty of opportunities to worry, be stressed out, and get sucked into drama. But there is a way to avoid having your life thrown into chaos and maintain your peace through whatever circumstances you’re facing. Read this inspiration to see how.
Devotion: How to have unshakeable faith
The storms of life may rage. Winds might blow. Troubling rains may pour.Tough challenges will arise. Despite all that, when your foundation is sure, you will withstand the storm and be victorious. When your faith is anchored in the word of God, it is unshakeable.
Devotion: You're worth so much
You can go through so many things in life that you feel devalued, overlooked, and unloved. But God treasures you. You are His prize. That’s why He is going to show you favor throughout and shower you with blessings, so that others will know you are favored of the Lord!
Devotion: He's with you through your rough place
Friend, transitional seasons are tough. You don’t always know what God is up to, but know that He’s with you through your rough place. And when the time is right, a shift is going to take place in your life. It’s about to get better from here. God is making all things new.
Devotion: That will do nothing to help you
All you need to do in order to reap the rewards God has for you is believe Him. Don’t doubt His power and strength. Do less scheming and more leaning. Stop trying to figure it out and talk it over with Jesus. He will lead and guide you. He alone can help you!
Devotion: Stuck between desolation and destiny
When you’re stuck between desolation and destiny, you must tell yourself not to settle for less than you can have because you’re afraid of what it takes to have better. March forward in faith. Trust God to bring you out of this low place, no matter how slow the climb.
Devotion: In an uncomfortable position?
In this current season, you may feel uncomfortable and imprisoned by your circumstances, but you’re not in prison. You’re in prep school. God is preparing you for what’s coming. Hold on. This isn’t the end of your story. God is getting you ready for an incredible breakthrough.
Podcast: It's turning
You need to hear this. God’s declaration to you that He is about to put you in a totally different position in your life. He’s transforming your circumstances and transitioning you into a better life situation. God is meeting you right where you are and taking you to the place He desires you to be.
Podcast: Be open to receive
God has blessings, miracles, signs and wonders with your name on it. All He’s looking for is someone ready, willing, and open to receive, and who has enough faith to believe Him for the impossible. If that’s you, get prepared to reap a plentiful harvest.
Devotion: Don't be intimidated
Use this word as an antidote for fear and discouragement. Fight intimidation with faith. Believe that you are about to step into something great. Know that you have an inheritance waiting for you. There are things the Lord will do if you step out on His word!
Podcast: God’s power makes it possible
Through this word, God is reminding you that you don’t have to face this on your own. He’s with you. Don’t give up. Do not be afraid. And don’t walk away in frustration. Stand firmly upon the word of God, knowing that nothing is impossible for Him!