News & Updates
Podcast: Anticipate good things!
When bad things happen and circumstances look bleak, it’s easy to expect the worst instead of believing God for the best. But this encouragement is God’s way of drawing your attention away from negative contingencies and focusing you on the positive possibilities that exist for those that believe!
Daily Cup: God is lifting you up
You're going up from here! You might be low now and it may seem, some days, like this is your final destination. But God has a plan. He's taking you to a whole new level of increase, favor and blessings. Expect greater!
Watch: EEW President Dianna Hobbs shares highlights from Bermuda evangelism trip
Globally sought-after minister of the Gospel, First Lady Dianna Hobbs, traveled to Bermuda for evangelism purposes February 23-25, 2018. She shares highlights from her trip in a new video. Watch.