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Give Mama Her Flowers: Romay Davis, 102-year-old WWII veteran from segregated mail unit honored
More than 800 Black women formed the 6888th, which began sailing for England in February 1945. Once there, they were confronted not only by mountains of undelivered mail but by racism and sexism.
African street preacher taken into custody as his Bible is forcibly stripped away for 'breaching the peace'
The arrest of an African street preacher in London may be done and over with, but the online backlash and outrage continues to spread. Was this fair or necessary?
Wow: Pastor Michael A. Walrond Jr. says believing Jesus is the only way to heaven is ‘insanity’
Pastor Michael A. Walrond, Jr., leader of the 10,000+ congregants at First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem, is being accused of spreading heretical teaching by classifying the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith as “insanity.”
Watch: EEW President Dianna Hobbs shares highlights from Bermuda evangelism trip
Globally sought-after minister of the Gospel, First Lady Dianna Hobbs, traveled to Bermuda for evangelism purposes February 23-25, 2018. She shares highlights from her trip in a new video. Watch.