What are you looking at? Your circumstances or the One who controls them?
The following inspirational article is used by permission from Dianna Hobbs’ ‘Daily Cup of Inspiration’ blog. For more encouragement like this, visit her official blog HERE.
We’re nearing the end of the year, and I have been reflecting on my personal journey throughout 2020. This year has had its difficult moments for me. Those difficulties are tied to my unexpected medical crisis in 2019 that altered my brain and introduced new mental health struggles.
Because of that, what once felt easy now feels hard, hard, hard. Yet, by the grace of God, I am able to keep going and doing the work of the Lord. For this, I am so thankful.
One of the fundamental things that gives me strength to continue pushing past the hard stuff and moving forward is my ability to focus—not on natural things but spiritual things.
Let me explain with the help of the word of God.
In Hebrews 12:1-3, we are given the recipe for running our race despite the hardships and challenges we face as followers of Christ. These verses teach us to keep our eyes on Jesus, the One who guides us to victory and makes our faith complete.
I particularly love the wording of verse 3 in the Contemporary English Version of the Bible, which says, “So keep your mind on Jesus…Then you won’t get discouraged and give up.”
That’s it. That’s the key. When your gaze is fixed upon the Savior who endured the cross and suffered to redeem us from sin, you are then able to fight discouragement and avoid quitting. Scripture says that Christ endured the shame of the cross, because He knew there was glory on the other side of it, and the reward was greater than the struggle.
“You can make it through this struggle, because the power of God is working in you. Keep your eyes focused on the Lord, and you will surely walk in victory daily! ”
If He could endure, we can too, because His power is working within us. His strength and grace fuel and equip us to go through and not give up. That doesn’t mean you won’t cry sometimes or that you won’t get frustrated in certain seasons of life. That’s not realistic. But if you can get your focus right, you’ll be able to do amazing things for the glory of God. I know this personally, because I would have given up a long time ago if I fixated on my struggles and limitations.
Remember when Peter focused on Jesus and walked on water for a few brief moments in Matthew 14:22-33? He didn’t start sinking until he shifted his gaze away from Jesus and started looking at the threatening waves caused by the storm, right?
So, I have a question for you today: What are you looking at?
Are you looking at your deficiency or Christ’s sufficiency? Your powerlessness or Christ’s power? Your failures or Christ’s victory that He already won at Calvary?
Are you looking at what’s in your bank account, or Christ, your resource? What the negative doctor’s report says, or Christ, your healer? What your mental and emotional struggles are, or Christ, the One who regulates the mind and emotions?
If you’ve been looking at the wrong things, I invite you to shift your gaze. When you look up, hope will replace discouragement. Faith will replace fear. Worship will replace worry. Victory will replace defeat. Not only that, but in due season, you’ll step out of the wilderness and into your promise, because you didn’t give up.
Psalm 121:1-2 CEV—which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration—says, “I look to the hills! Where will I find help? It will come from the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, look up to heaven from whence comes your help. That’s where you find strength through the struggle as well as grace to endure and reap all God has in store for you.