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Expecting God to come through? Trust and believe, He won't disappoint you!
Have you been waiting on God to perform His word in your life? No matter what you see today, God will not fail you. He will not lie to you. He will not disappoint you. Keep believing. Keep expecting. Keep walking by faith and not by sight. You will see what God said show up in your situation.
What are you looking at? Your circumstances or the One who controls them?
Are you looking at the struggle or the Savior? When you look up, hope will replace discouragement. Faith will replace fear. Worship will replace worry. Victory will replace defeat. Not only that, but in due season, you’ll step out of the wilderness and into your promise, because you didn’t give up.
Sis, peace is a choice. So the question is, 'Will you fret or rest?'
It is time to make a decision right now. Will you choose faith or fear? Will you doubt or believe God? Will you fret or rest? Will you be anxious about everything or anxious about nothing? God has already given you the gift peace through His son, but you have to receive it.
Don't Know Why God Allowed This? He has reasons and seasons for doing what He does [PODCAST]
We often stress ourselves out over God’s timing, and we want to rush God. But God is very strategic, and He has reasons and seasons for things, even if we don’t know what they are. Trust Him to manifest the answer you seek at the appointed time. Listen and be blessed!
Don't panic. Trust God.
Despite what you see happening around you, even in distressing circumstances when things look bad, remember that God is faithful, ever-present, and actively involved in the affairs of your life. And surely He will take care of you and everything that concerns you. You have no need to panic or worry.
When God takes you the long way
Is your breakthrough taking a long time to manifest? Are you feeling a little discouraged? The road may be rocky and the trial may last longer than you want it to. But, since God has seen fit to take you this route, trust that His ways are always right, and He is doing it for your good.
Trust God through the challenges: Trials are temporary, and God will keep His promises
In hard times, you will be tempted to give in to doubt and give up on your faith. But when your circumstances go against every promise you are currently clinging to, believe God through the challenges anyway. Know that God will do everything He said He would do for you at the appointed time.