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Chosen and Called: Standing Firm in Your Identity in Christ
Embrace your royal identity in Christ, reject lies, and live boldly as part of God’s chosen generation.
God Will Give You Victory—Despite the Storm
No matter how fierce the storm or how strong the winds against you, God is with you, for you, and within you. Because of Him, you will not fail.
You’ve Got To Believe God Is Working—Even When You Can’t See It
Are you fretting because you can’t see what God is doing? This post is a must-read.
What do you do when life sucks? Here’s an encouragement for your valley season.
Do you feel aggravated because things aren’t working out the way you hoped? Do you wish you could snap your fingers and fix it all? Do you resent how long everything is taking to fall into place? Are you sick of life sucking?
Really Feel Like Quitting? 7 things to remember when you want to give up
Whatever you go through that makes you want to quit on what God commanded is not worth it. Instead of walking away and giving in to the urge to ignore your divine calling, EEW Magazine Online is giving you 7 helpful things to remember when you really want to give up.
Satan loves telling lies. Tell yourself the truth.
Because you have been confessing the word, you are about to possess the promise. God knows you have been under attack, but you are about to see evidence of God’s favor, all because you have exercised your faith and placed your confidence in the truth. And He is the truth.
Encouragement from Dr. Tony Evans: ‘Remember, God’s in charge’
The following inspiration is adapted from Dr. Tony Evans’ New Year’s video greeting to encourage the Body of Christ as we weather the storm of the pandemic and personal storms in our lives. Be encouraged and watch the full video at the end of this written message.
God is not through with you yet: Next-level blessings are coming
The puzzle pieces aren’t all in place yet, but keep on trusting God. He is going to send you next-level resources, next-level favor, next-level opportunities, next-level wisdom, and next-level blessings. By His grace, you will be fruitful.
All is not lost: Remember to be grateful for what you have left
Whatever you may lose along the way, the most valuable treasure, Jesus Christ, who was made flesh then died and rose for our sins, will never leave nor forsake you. He is with you always. He will lead you always. He will take care of you always. He will provide for you always. He will restore you always.
What are you looking at? Your circumstances or the One who controls them?
Are you looking at the struggle or the Savior? When you look up, hope will replace discouragement. Faith will replace fear. Worship will replace worry. Victory will replace defeat. Not only that, but in due season, you’ll step out of the wilderness and into your promise, because you didn’t give up.
Know Your Power, Sis: 8 Bible stories to get into when you’re feeling small
You are significant. Your life matters. You have a place, a position, and a purpose in the Kingdom of God. Don’t let anything make you believe otherwise. Know your power, which His power working in you. Read these 8 Bible stories when you feel small!
Every day you wake up, expect the unexpected
None of us knows when God will do something spectacular. We can’t predict His ways. All we can do is trust His leading, His timing and His faithfulness. Though we don’t know when, where or how God will show up, we can be confident that He has extraordinary plans!
Are you in a dry place right now? Soon, blessings will spring forth!
Are you in a place where you’re believing God to make a way, but you don’t know how He’ll do it? Do you feel a bit discouraged and distressed sometimes as you await manifestation? This word will assure you that God will not fail you. He will bless you—guaranteed!
Going through a storm in your life? Remember, God's got this.
God is your anchor in the fiercest storm, and He’ll never leave nor forsake you. So take comfort in knowing that you are safe, cared for, and covered by God. He’s got you and He’s got this! Even in seasons of struggle, turbulence, confusion, and uncertainty, rest in Him and trust Him!
When you get weary in your soul these 5 Bible verses will help you keep going
For the moments when you desperately want to throw in the towel because the walls of discouragement and disillusionment are closing in around you, EEW Magazine Online is sharing 5 Bible verses that will help you keep on going.
How not to give up in hard times: 5 things to do when life is testing you
We are all tested by life, and sometimes, God allows those tests and trials to come at us quickly and repeatedly.
When this happens, how in the world are we supposed to handle blow after blow, and continue pressing forward instead of burying our heads underneath the covers and giving up?
God never promised everything would be easy, but you can remain grateful anyway
God never promised everything would be easy. However, He did promise that He would cause everything to work together for our good when we love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Therefore, thank God that He is causing all this unpleasant stuff to work out for your good.
Feeling Burnt Out? 8 Scriptures to read to renew your strength
When chronic stress gets the best of you, things get real—and fast. You can experience burnout, where you’re totally drained and unable to perform duties and function normally. If you think you may be burnt out, and you don’t know how to shake out of that slump, turn to the word of God.
Podcast: Better days are coming
When you’re going through an extended season of trouble and nothing much seems to be working out, you may feel like you’ll be stuck in this cycle forever. But no you won’t. Despite how tough it is at the moment, Dianna Hobbs says, our great God has a plan to rescue you and turn this situation all the way around!
Got a need? God is the best provider!
God keeps every promise. If He said it, then He will do it. Trust Him, and don’t stress over your circumstances. You serve the greatest provider, way-maker, door-opener, body-healer, and the only true Savior. No matter what happens know that God has you covered.