Could God be telling you to 'move on' from that relationship? Read this.
By Dianna Hobbs // Inspiration // EEW Magazine Online
This past summer marked ten years since a business relationship ended. Though I enjoyed working with the person and wished to continue at the time, they were going through changes in their life and decided to walk away.
When they said goodbye, it was hard to fill the void they left, and I was sad. It took a lot of praying and trusting God to move past it. For a long time, I missed their presence and hoped that God would restore the connection. Over the years, however, God healed my heart and helped me accept the change. Eventually, I grew to see that our parting ways was necessary and even a good thing.
Not too long ago, after a decade had passed, this person reached out to my team hoping to work with me again. I was open to it, but after praying, God did not give me the release to pursue that course. In fact, He told me plainly, “Don’t go back. Move on.”
Because I am in a different phase of life, that person would be a hindrance to the bigger and better things God is already doing and will continue to do. I was obedient and haven’t looked back since.
Sometimes, we long for things and relationships that God wants us to move on from, so He can bless us with greater.
“It’s time to move past your past. Go forward by faith. You’re coming into your place of greatness, where you will see God do awesome things. Release the old, and embrace the new thing He wants to do!”
In Exodus 14, when Israel was on the precipice of deliverance from Egyptian slavery, just before crossing the Red Sea, Pharaoh and his army pursued them. Because of Israel’s fear, they told Moses, we would have been better off staying in Egypt. They thought their enemies would kill them, and it was better to be bound than dead. But God told Israel through Moses not to fear, because He would be with them and fight for them.
In verse 15, God specifically said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.”
Move on.
That’s a word for somebody today! God is saying, He has a greater purpose for you, but He can’t do what He wants to do if you stay stuck.
Stuck in dead-end relationships. Stuck in the familiar. Stuck in your comfort zone. Stuck in an old mindset. It’s time to cross over into the new. What you thought was a loss was just making room for what God is going to do next. Moving forward is how you become liberated from what was holding you back. Your future is brighter than your past, and your latter will be greater than the former.
To help you press ahead, I’m stirring a portion of Deuteronomy 2:3 NASB into your cup of inspiration, which says, “You have circled this mountain long enough.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, God’s word to you is, no more going around in circles and cycles. Go forward by faith. You’re getting ready to cross over and step into your promise.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for assuring me that losses, changes and life-shifts are defining moments that lead me on the path of destiny. Help me move forward in faith, knowing that what’s to come is better than what was. I trust You to take me from the wilderness to the promise. In Jesus’ name, Amen.