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Feeling Stuck Between Faith and Fulfillment? This Word is for You.
Are you waiting on God to manifest His word? This word will reassure you that the wait is not in vain!
Been Praying and Waiting for an Extended Period? Then this is your word
If you can cling to hope, remain steadfast in faith, and continue doing the right things despite delays, your turn will surely come. By the way, somebody’s turn is already here!
Wait, Not So Fast! Beware of the consequences of instant gratification
God is sending you this message today to encourage your heart in the wait. Satan would love to wave around a curse called instant gratification and disguise it as blessing called instant breakthrough. But don’t fall for it. What God has for you is worth the wait, friend!
The End will be Greater: Victory already belongs to you, even if things look bad right now
Sometimes, in the beginning stages, things look rough. But, don’t let that be a discouragement to you, because God has already written victory into your story. The current chapter may be unpleasant, but if you endure, something awesome is waiting on the other side of this!
However Long It Takes: How to keep believing God when going through your waiting season
Know that, if God said it, it has to happen. When things are moving slowly in your life, tell yourself: However long it takes, I will trust God; however long it takes, I will believe; however long it takes, I will confess God’s promises; however long it takes, I refuse to give up.
God, when will it happen for me? 4 things to keep in mind while waiting
We often hear (and say), what God has for me is for me. But when what’s for you seems to be taking too long to arrive, frustration and discouragement can easily set in. You wonder, God, when will it happen for me? While you’re waiting on God, here are 4 things to keep in mind throughout the process.