Zone Out: 5 ways to shut out all the noise and focus on you

 Article By Mindy Ibraham // EEW Magazine Online // Spirit, Soul & Body

If life has been feeling particularly overwhelming and stressful for you lately, it may be time to zone out, meaning, block out the noise, unplug, tune out for a moment, and simply relax.

If you’ve been regularly reading current articles, hearing news stories, and looking at social media posts, you probably have been absorbing way more than your fair share of negativity. And you know, that can get to be too much real quick – no matter how Holy Ghost-filled you are!

If you don’t, at some point, shut down, pamper yourself, and zone out, your mental health will suffer, and you won’t be any good to anyone, not even yourself.

If you’re busy, with lots of things clamoring for your time and attention, you may wonder, is zoning out and tuning out – with everything going on with me and the world around me – actually realistic?

The answer is, it is realist if you make it realistic. It’s a choice. Either you make a decision to put yourself first and nurture your soul, or you don’t. Will you choose you or not? Only you can make that decision.

But if you’re ready to prioritize you and experience the benefits of recharging and reenergizing, here are 5 ways to do that.

#1 Take some things off your schedule: If you have ever gone on vacation, it was necessary to clear your schedule to make space for your exciting getaway. That meant telling your family, friends, colleagues, and everyone who regularly depends on you that, for a short time period, you would be away and unavailable. Well, you can do the same thing in your everyday life. But, in order to do that, you must be intentional about blocking off time, taking things off your schedule, and setting realistic expectations for everyone else about what you can and can’t do.

#2 Do what makes you smile: What is it that makes you feel refreshed, relaxed, renewed, and reinvigorated? What brings you peace, joy and serenity? It doesn’t have to be something big or major. It can be the little things like enjoying a hot bubble bath, curling up in bed with a good book, trying a new recipe, or rediscovering your favorite hobby and doing that. Whatever makes you smile, consistently incorporate it into your days, and that’s how to live your joy. Do what you’re passionate about. Engage in things that light a fire in you. Steal some time for yourself which will never be time wasted!

#3 Turn some stuff off: Social media, cable news, and smart phones can introduce more negative and toxic things into our little space in the world that we might imagine. Every now and again, you need to turn some stuff off. Shut the world out, and be present with yourself. How do you turn off? Praying and meditating on God’s word; listening to a sermon, podcast, or worship music; and dwelling in God’s presence. These are all surefire ways to be transported to a place of ultimate peace, joy and rest without ever leaving the comfort of your home. Tune out the world and tune into God.

#4 Stimulate your mind: Is there a good book you’ve been meaning to read or an excellent, educational program you’ve been wanting to get into but haven’t had the chance? How about carving out some time for that? You would be surprised by how much your mind could be stimulated, awakened and expanded by feeding it new information and insightful ideas. Don’t be a person who constantly sows great seeds into the hearts and minds of others but fails to sow into your own heart and mind.   

#5 Veg out: Finally, when you don’t feel like being so serious or learning anything new, that’s okay too. Sometimes, you need to loaf around in your pajamas with your favorite snack, and just veg out. Shut the lights out, enjoy some mindless entertainment, stuff your face, completely relax, and don’t think about anything at all. Escapism, on occasion, can be just what the doctor ordered.

No matter who you are, there will be times in your life when zoning out is necessary. If you don’t zone out, you’ll eventually burn out, and feelings of burnout are not so easy to handle or overcome.

If you know that you’ve been neglecting your self-care and are frazzled because of it, you have a chance to do something about it. These 5 suggestions offered by EEW Magazine Online will help you if you take them, and apply them to your life.


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