Be Encouraged: God has commanded a blessing over you, and it will manifest
This devotion is written by Dianna Hobbs, founder of EEW Magazine. Get more inspiration like this on her Daily Cup of Inspiration blog.
I was once driving in a winter snowstorm and hit an icy patch. My car started sliding and spinning. No matter what I did, because of the treacherous conditions, there was nothing I could do to control my vehicle. It was a terrifying experience to be spinning in circles, unable to predict or impact the outcome. I simply had to pray and brace myself.
I’m thankful that there wasn’t a whole lot of traffic on the road, and no one hit me. My car hit a snowbank and stopped spinning. Though there was no damage to the car, and I wasn’t hurt, I was quite shaken up by that.
It’s not a good feeling to be powerless to change something, whether on a physical road or on the road of life. Even so, at some point, we all must deal with circumstances that are beyond our control. In times like this, it’s important to remember that just because we can’t control things, that doesn’t mean God can’t. He has power to do what we cannot do.
Today, I was re-reading a Bible story I always enjoy about what Jesus did for a woman in a town called Nain in Luke 7:11-16.
Jesus was walking with His disciples and a large crowd, and He approached the gate of the town. As He was about to go in, Jesus saw a dead person being carried, and it happened to be the only son of a widow who was crying. Her son’s death meant she was all alone, and Jesus had compassion on her.
According to verse 13, He said to the widow, “Don’t cry.” After that, Jesus walked over and touched the bier, the movable frame that the corpse was being carried on. And the pallbearers stopped in their tracks. Right then, Jesus spoke to the dead person and said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” Instantly, the young man was resurrected, and he began to talk. Jesus then gave him back to his mother.
God commanded his resurrection, and death had no choice but to turn that young man loose. Similarly, when God speaks a command over your situation, whatever has you bound has no choice but to turn you loose! Lack has to loose you. Sickness has to release you. The enemy has to take his hands off of you. When God commands change, circumstances must align with His word.
“When God commands a blessing, it must manifest. Friend, everything God has spoken over you will come to pass!”
Nain, the name of the widow’s town, means “green pastures” or “lovely.” But clearly, before Jesus showed up on the scene, this widow’s circumstances were anything but lovely, and her life’s pastures were anything but green.
Instead of green pastures, which evoke thoughts of things flourishing, growing, and prospering, she had to deal with death and loss. She was in a dark place. After losing her husband, she had to say goodbye to her son. It seemed like all hope was lost, but Jesus turned that funeral service into a resurrection service!
Aren’t you glad that Jesus still steps into hopeless situations and gives hope? Isn’t it wonderful that our circumstances still respond to His commands? He has power to change things even when we don’t.
If you are facing something difficult that is beyond your control today, this word is for you. Don’t worry, because Jesus is standing by. He has taken notice of your situation, and He is placing His hand upon your symbolic bier—which represents the dead things that you need to be resurrected. He is speaking new life into your circumstances and flexing His power in the places where it looks hopeless.
The One who has control over all things is exerting His authority over your situation, and He is commanding life, blessings, and favor over you.
To remind you of the power of God’s word, I’m stirring the latter half of Romans 4:17 into your cup of inspiration, which says, “God, who gives life to the dead, and calls the things that are not, as though they were.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, remember that what God commands must happen, and when life feels out of control, He is always in control. Expect Him to show off His great power and do great things for you!