Be Empowered.
Take Time to Nourish your Temple: 5 tips for better self-care
If you need a little help with taking time to nurture your temple, EEW Magazine Online’s got you covered. We’re here to help you apply 5 stress-reducing self-care techniques to enhance your life.
SUMMER 2023: 10 must-do's to make the most of the season
Making the most of your summer is an intentional choice. Be deliberate about filling these upcoming weeks with enjoyment, pleasure, and relaxation. To help you generate ideas, here are 10 must-do’s to make the most of the season.
Back Away from the Cape! 4 rules to help you stop trying to be a superhero
I am not a superhero—and neither are you. We cannot be all things to all people at all times. It’s time to back away from the cape, and follow these 4 rules to get your life and self-hood back!
Hey, It’s OK to put you first: 5 ways to get you at the top of your priority list
If you need help rearranging your life and restructuring your days to include self-care, here are 5 ways to do a better job tending your own needs.
Block Out All The Noise: 5 ways to protect your energy, mind, soul and spirit
We all have limits on what we can handle, but many of us don’t honor our limitations and set boundaries. If you know you need to turn down the noise volume in your life, go ahead and use these 5 strategies to help you along the way. They will become some of the best things you’ve ever done for yourself.
Zone Out: 5 ways to shut out all the noise and focus on you
If life has been feeling particularly overwhelming and stressful for you lately, it may be time to zone out, meaning, block out the noise, unplug, tune out for a moment, and simply relax.
8 great self-care tips for you while staying indoors and practicing social distancing
Here are 8 great ways you can care for yourself and do things that will enhance your life while you’re stuck at home in the coming weeks.