What do you desire most from God? Here’s what you should be asking for.
By Empowering Everyday Women // Empowerment // Prayer
Credit: Getty/Kelvin Murray/EEW Magazine
What is your one greatest desire? If God appeared to you in a dream and asked what you most wanted him to do for you, what would be your immediate answer?
This exact scenario occurred in Scripture, when God presented himself in a dream to Solomon, King David’s son and successor. During this divine visitation, Solomon was given the chance to ask for whatever he wanted from God.
Though he could have, he did not ask for untold millions but for something far greater that is in fact priceless: “Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?” (2 Chronicles 1:10, NIV)
In 1 Kings 3:9, Solomon’s request is phrased a bit differently with him asking for an understanding heart (KJV) and the ability to distinguish right from wrong.
When you dig into the original language, you’ll find that the word used for understanding is shama which means “to hear, listen to, and obey.”
Solomon was asking to hear God’s voice and be guided by his great wisdom which would enable him to justly and righteously lead God’s people.
When is the last time you asked God to help you hear, listen, and obey? Such a request is not limited to the likes of biblical leaders like Solomon; we all should ask for wisdom.
His word tells us that he yet grants wisdom to those who ask for it.
“For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6 NLT).
To acquire this much-needed and life-altering wisdom from the Lord, open your heart and ears to receive the messages God consistently delivers through his word.
After all, his word is his will.
Today, make a renewed commitment to letting Scripture speak to you. Meditate on it. Obey it. Then put God’s word into action. As you submit your will to his, God’s wisdom will be your constant guide, and your life will be so blessed.
Prayer: God, please give me an ear for your voice, a spirit that is surrendered to you, and a heart that is always willing to obey. Amen.