Are you a serial spiller? God wants you to be a secret-keeper for a very important reason
By Empowering Everyday Women // Empowerment // Biblical Wisdom
Credit: Getty/Peter Muller/EEW Magazine
Are you a serial spiller— someone who constantly spills the beans or the tea instead of keeping important things confidential?
If so, God’s word challenges you to amend your ways and become a world-class secret-keeper as a way of bringing him the glory and pleasing the Lord.
When you think of secret-keeping, one of the first things that pops into your head probably pertains to keeping people’s private business off the streets. Although this is an important and necessary habit—and one that is highly encouraged in the Bible (Proverbs 11:13)—there is another kind of secret-keeping the word of God encourages.
It has to do with doing righteous and noble things in private without the need to broadcast your deeds for the sake of garnering praise.
For instance, when you pay for the meal of a struggling family, do you conceal or spill the details? Do you quietly bless them or testify to the church about how you saved the needy from ruin? Do you sow seeds to meet needs behind the scenes or broadcast your works on social media for likes and clout?
Scripture says, “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:3-4 NIV).
We do not bless people for applause and pats on the back. We don’t become a Good Samaritan so others will marvel at our piety and nobility and shower us with praises. The glory isn’t for us; it always belongs to God.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 KJV). Any light that shines on you is for the sole purpose of reflecting the glory of the Lord, and He is glorified whether man sees or not.
Therefore, waste no energy ensuring that good works are publicized and noticed by man. If God sees it, that’s all that matters. As a bonus, when you bless others in secret, he will bless you in public.
Again, we don’t give to reap rewards, but reaping rewards is the inevitable result of our giving. So, instead of being a serial spiller become a world-class secret keeper, and God will perform good works on your behalf publicly.
Prayer: God, I want to give with a clean heart and pure motives. May my desire always be for the glory of your name and not the praise of men. Amen.