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Our Father: 14 reasons Christians should pray The Lord's Prayer
In this article, EEW Magazine Online, which is fully committed to fueling your faith and growth, will delve into 14 important reasons you should embrace this sacred prayer, while exploring its unparalleled significance and transformative power in nurturing our faith.
You Should Pray This: 7 Scriptural prayers for your mental health
EEW Magazine Online is offering you these 7 powerful Bible verses to pray over your mental health. They work!
Feeling hopeless in a lifeless situation? God is visiting your valley
Sometimes we sink so low that it looks like we will never rise again. But never stop hoping in God. Never stop expecting Him to visit your valley as He has visited mine. Never stop anticipating the day when He will perform His word and fulfill every promise He has made.
Pray The Word: 7 powerful Bible verses you should be adding to your prayer repertoire
Scripture tells us, “We do not know what we ought to pray for,” so the Holy Spirit helps us (Romans 8:26). If you want to strengthen your prayer life but don’t quite know how, here are 7 powerful Bible verses to incorporate into your prayers to make them more effective.
Want to see things shift for the better? You only need to call one name
When you are in distress and going through something hard, simply call on the name of Jesus. There is power in that name; healing in that name; deliverance in that name; breakthrough in that name; peace in that name; salvation in that name; everything you need is in that name!
Even when the prayer isn't answered immediately, always stay in expectation
Believe that you are stepping into a new season of wholeness, deliverance and breakthrough. Believe that God has heard your fervent, faith-filled prayers. Stay in expectation, and you will see Him open heaven and pour out blessings you won’t have enough room to receive.
You can’t always fix it
God has great things in store for you, and there are some blessings He will release. At the same time, He will not do everything you want. Everything won’t be easy, and some things you won’t know how to fix. But be encouraged. There will also be moments when God will fix what you thought was irreparably broken.
Enlarge My Territory: Lupita Nyong’o says the prayer of Jabez in the Bible prepared her for success
Academy Award winner, Lupita Nyong’o credits a very specific Bible-based prayer for preparing her for the success that came into her life like a whirlwind. “I remember, my mom always had this prayer—the prayer of Jabez,” said the actress who won an Oscar in 2014.