Our Father: 14 reasons Christians should pray The Lord's Prayer
By Mia Gatson // Spiritual // EEW Magazine Online
As every empowered Christian woman knows, prayer holds a special place in the hearts of believers, acting as the cornerstone of our daily spiritual routine and fostering a profound connection with God. Among the many prayers that we recite, The Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:1–4 stands at the top of the list.
In this article, EEW Magazine Online, which is fully committed to fueling your faith and growth, will delve into 14 important reasons you should embrace this sacred prayer, while exploring its unparalleled significance and transformative power in nurturing our faith.
1. Jesus taught it: The Lord's Prayer originated from Jesus, as He taught His disciples to pray in this manner. As modern-day disciples, we should carry on this practice espoused by the Lord Himself.
2. It encompasses the core elements of prayer: The Lord's Prayer not only addresses God but also highlights important aspects of our faith such as worshiping our holy God, asking for guidance, forgiveness, and requesting essential needs.
3. It encourages humility: The Lord's Prayer demonstrates a humble attitude by openly acknowledging God's holiness and submitting to His will each time we address Him.
4. It fosters unity among believers: The Lord's Prayer is universally practiced by Christians, fostering a sense of unity and shared values throughout the faith.
5. It reminds us to forgive: The Lord's Prayer prompts Christians to both ask for forgiveness from God and offer it to others. It links our ability to receive mercy to our willingness to give mercy, admonishing us to consistently act with grace toward others.
6. It fortifies us against temptation: The Lord's Prayer combats Satan’s efforts, as he constantly looks for ways to ensnare us and lead us down the path to temptation and destruction. This prayer covers and fortifies us against temptation—something we need every day in the war against our sinful flesh.
7. It reinforces dependence on God: By praying for daily bread, Christians acknowledge our reliance on God for sustenance and general provision. It also causes us to look to Jesus, the Bread of Life, to sustain us spiritually day by day.
8. It aligns our goals with God's plan: Praying and asking God, “Let Your will be done" reminds believers to entrust our lives to Him and submit to His purpose. It puts us in the mind frame of surrender while inextricably tying our goals and aspirations to the Father’s will.
9. It reflects biblical themes and truths: Praying in alignment with Scripture is necessary and effective in the believer’s life. The Lord's Prayer contains vital themes found throughout the Bible, such as the Kingdom of God, deliverance from the evil one, and the power of the Almighty.
10. It is concise yet powerful: The Lord's Prayer effectively communicates our needs, desires, and reverence towards God without becoming overly verbose or repetitive. Matthew 6:7 discourages against trying to sound pious through excessively wordy prayers.
11. It encourages daily interaction with God: As a daily prayer, it helps Christians maintain an ongoing relationship with our Heavenly Father and prioritize communication with Him every day of the week.
12. it acts as a foundation for other prayers: The Lord's Prayer can serve as a starting point to build upon when praying for specific situations or personal requests. We begin by saying the words Jesus instructed us to say before moving on to more in depth, nuanced petitions.
13. It aids in spiritual growth: Regularly praying the Lord's Prayer—and studying its meaning— can deepen a Christian's bond with God, increase understanding of the Bible, and strengthen our foundational wisdom related to the will of God.
14. It demonstrates obedience to the teachings of Jesus: By reciting The Lord's Prayer, Christians adhere to Jesus' instructions and apply them in their own prayer lives. This is pleasing to the Lord and edifying to the believer.
As Christians embrace this timeless prayer, we invite blessings into our lives, experience transformation, and witness the power of prayer in our journey of faith. Let us continue to uphold The Lord's Prayer as a cherished tradition, living out its principles and experiencing the countless benefits it brings.