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Frustrated By This Season? Know This—You Will Get Up Better
This season you're going through—though it may initially make you feel worse—will ultimately produce better results, better outcomes, and a better version of you.
Get Ready! God is about to do this thing quicker and better than you expect
There are some problems in your life that should take a long time to rectify, improve, and turn around, but they won’t.
Who's Ready for a Miracle? An ‘Only God’ breakthrough is coming!
When you are facing a situation with impossible odds, this is not the time to fret, worry, and assume the worst will happen. No! Grab hold of faith. God is about to do what man says is impossible, what circumstances say can’t be done, and what doubt and fear say will never happen.
Be Patient: Your time is coming
Going through right now? Don’t be discouraged. You will inevitably enter your divinely ordained season wherein God liberates you and gives you a brand-new lease on life. It’s about to happen for you. God is going to give you a breakthrough for a specific purpose!
In the middle of this trial know this one thing: Great Jehovah will deliver!
Jehovah, who is God our savior, is going to deliver you out of your struggles and afflictions. It might seem like things are too hard, and it may not look good today. But you have to remember that His power is greater than your greatest opposition. And surely, He will bring you out for His glory!
Podcast: God’s power is enough
Sometimes, you will face hard times. You will lose things. You won’t feel confident. You’ll question your ability to meet the challenge placed in front of you. In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs reminds you, in times like these, God's power is enough! Be blessed as you listen.
Although you can't see it, God is working sis
Although you don’t see God, He’s working, and all your problems must bow down at His feet and submit to His will. Don’t fear. Know that God is faithful to bring you through the wilderness, make a way, calm the storm and lift you out of your low place. He’ll do it through His all-surpassing power.
Podcast: Surprise! An unexpected blessing is on the way for you
Have you experienced a surprise attack? Has something unexpectedly gone wrong? Has it left you shaken up and not knowing what to do? If so, today’s word will encourage you and remind you that even though you may be surprised by trouble, God never is. And He will give you the victory!
It won't always be like this: You will turn a corner
Stay in the word of God. Stay on your knees, seeking the Lord. Stay focused on your spiritual growth and development, and remain full of faith. Even though you may hit rough patches here and there, you can be confident that you will turn a corner, rise up and emerge victoriously.
Are you in a dry place right now? Soon, blessings will spring forth!
Are you in a place where you’re believing God to make a way, but you don’t know how He’ll do it? Do you feel a bit discouraged and distressed sometimes as you await manifestation? This word will assure you that God will not fail you. He will bless you—guaranteed!
Podcast: Victory is inevitable
Inevitable means that something is sure to happen. It is preordained and destined to come to pass. And in today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, there is a triumph you will inevitably experience in your life. No matter what things seem like right now, God has something so good on the way for you!
Devotion: God is moving you
God is moving you and ushering you into a new season, and He is replacing opposition with open doors. He’s causing you to be blessed where you were once attacked. He is making what used to be hard easy for you, and He’s swinging doors wide open in your favor
Podcast: Better days are coming
When you’re going through an extended season of trouble and nothing much seems to be working out, you may feel like you’ll be stuck in this cycle forever. But no you won’t. Despite how tough it is at the moment, Dianna Hobbs says, our great God has a plan to rescue you and turn this situation all the way around!