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Feel like the world has gone crazy? 10 Bible verses to keep you sane
With eroding morals, dirty politics, rampant racism and corruption everywhere you look, sometimes, it feels like the world has gone crazy, but you don’t have to. The Bible is the perfect source to keep your heart and mind at peace in times of trouble. Read these 10 verses to protect your heart and mind!
What does the Bible say about how we should treat immigrants? 7 scriptures to know
As our nation focuses on the immigration crisis resulting in men and women being caged in overcrowded detention facilities, and migrant children being separated from their families, it is a good time to closely examine what the Bible says about how we should treat immigrants.
Podcast: Things are coming full circle
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that you are about to see God’s providence, meaning His direct intervention, in your situation. It may look like you’re losing right now, but the Lord is going to turn this around and show you how He was setting you up all along to be victorious. It’s coming full circle. Watch and see! Listen and be encouraged!
Podcast: God has better for you
Your past—both distant and recent—may have been filled with pain, issues, struggles, and challenges. From the looks of things, you will never get past your past and embrace a brighter future. But in today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says this is not the end of your story. God has better for you, and He is writing a brand new story!
Devotion: God’s favor is all you need!
It is not merely experience, man’s recommendation, or suitability for the job that secures a position for you. God’s favor is greater than all these things combined. When you are His choice, God opens doors for you and grants you access. He makes ways, moves mountains and increases you. God promotes you!
Podcast: Trust the sovereignty of God
Even when things don’t turn out the way you want them to, still trust God’s sovereignty. He is yet able to turn a negative into a positive, and change a worst-case-scenario into a best-case-scenario! Believe that He is in control and working things out in a way that brings Him glory, blesses you, and suits His purpose.
Feeling embarrassed by your struggle? Here are 7 scriptures to lift up your head
Feeling embarrassed by your present struggles? Be aware that Satan loves to use shame as a tool of discouragement to make you forget God loves you unconditionally and has a purpose for you. If you need a little reminder, here are 7 scriptures (with some extra encouragement thrown in for good measure) to lift up your bowed-down head.
Ayesha Curry teaches us that in the age of oversharing, transparency is not always best
We live in a day and age where everyone wants to tell their truth–to be open and to be heard. But this is not always the wisest route. Take the case of Ayesha Curry, wife of NBA player Stephen Curry, for example. Her recent revelations created chaos, drama, and widespread misunderstanding online.
Everybody’s mad! 5 scriptures to help you keep your anger in check in an overly triggered society
It seems almost as if everybody’s mad, outraged, triggered, or up-in-arms about something these days. We quarrel incessantly over political views, theological perspectives, social issues and personal preferences. When does the quarreling, anger and rage cease?
10 scripture-based prayers every believer should pray for our nation
Many sing God Bless America, but it will take more than a song to see the blessings of the Lord rain down upon our nation. Psalm 33:12 tells us what it requires to curry favor with God: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!”