How to Feel Your Best: Here are 9 supplements women over 40 can benefit from
Article By Dianna Hobbs // EEW Magazine Online // Health & Wellness
Now that I’m in my 40s and have gone through multiple medical emergencies, I am more conscious than ever about what I put into my body. I no longer take good health for granted the way I did in my youth, and I do all I can to be a good steward of my body, which is my temple.
I do strength training and cardio five days per week, drink lots of water, strictly adhere to a clean keto diet, go to bed early, and keep my stress levels as low as possible.
Dianna Hobbs, EEW Magazine Online Founder
What are you doing to take care of your physical health in 2020?
I was reading a Scripture earlier today in 3 John 1:2 NLT, which says, “Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” When I read it, it made me think about how I have spent more than a decade of my life sharing inspiration with you from the Bible on my blog to strengthen you spiritually. I love doing that and will continue, but I also believe it’s necessary to make sure you’re physically healthy too.
When we are sick and struggling, it’s hard to live an empowered life, walk in our divine calling and do the things that God has placed in our hearts to do that will make a positive difference in the world. I believe that, in all things, we should be balanced, and it is imbalanced to focus only on spiritual aspects of health and none of the physical aspects of it.
That’s why I’m sharing with you some of the supplements I like to take and ones I think could help you feel great too. Remember, before taking any supplement, consult with your doctor.
For liver and digestion: Milk Thistle
For digesting fat without a gall bladder: Bile Acid
For balancing hormones after hysterectomy/menopause (Most highly recommended): Estrogen Balance with DIM
For detoxification: Brocco Max
For a brain boost: DHA Omega 3 Fatty Acid
For a healthy immune system Vitamin D
For gut health Prebiotic + Probiotic
For skin, hair, bones, cartilage Collagen Powder
For stress relief and energy Adrenal Supplement
While there are many different supplements on the market, and you should always do your own research, each supplement listed here is something I personally use and recommend.
Though I am not a doctor, I figured, sharing is caring, and I hope that if you choose to use any of the supplements listed, they will enhance your health.
Here’s to many healthy days ahead for you!
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