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Faith In The Fast Lane: 15 easy ways to incorporate Bible reading into your frenzied schedule
If you need help balancing faith in the fast lane, no worries! EEW Magazine Online has you covered with these 15 brilliant (and easy!) ways to incorporate more Bible study time into your frantic schedule.
Be a Witness: 5 compelling reasons to share the love of Christ with others
There are many people all around us every day that need hope and a second chance that only Jesus can provide. If you need incentives for sharing your faith, your testimony of redemption, and the love of Christ with others, EEW Magazine Online is offering 5 compelling reasons to be a witness for the Lord.
5 Scriptures to help you avoid the temptation to be a people-pleaser, even when facing negative criticism
As long as you know you are being led by God’s word and are in compliance with His will, ignore detractors, remain confident, and be free to live your life. To help you avoid allowing others’ ideas, attitudes, and criticisms to change your divinely-ordained course, here are 5 Scriptures for you.
Why the position of Christians condemning the forgiveness of Amber Guyger is indefensible
Is Jesus’ command to forgive in order for men to know we are His disciples just nonsensical gibberish that should be dismissed when we’re angry? Is it biblically- sound to support a mindset that says, I don’t forgive you because you don’t deserve my forgiveness?
Single and Saved: 6 powerful things taking yourself on solo dates will teach you
Who says single women should be sitting around the house, moping, feeling sorry for themselves, and counting down the hours until “Boaz” finds them? If you haven’t taken yourself out on a solo date, and given yourself some much-needed TLC, start right away. Here are 6 powerful lessons it will teach you.
Miss Me With That Foolishness: 10 ways to minimize distractions and protect your peace on Instagram
Instagram is a great way to share encouragement and the joys of life, while engaging with family, friends, and colleagues online. But the popular Facebook-owned social media app can keep your feed full of foolishness if you let it. Here are 10 tips to help you manage it and stay spiritually strong.
Breathe and Relax: 5 Bible-based principles that will help you rest in the Lord
Have you been feeling depleted of energy, constantly worked up and exhausted because you have too much on your mind, and your plate? If so, it’s time for spiritual replenishment. You need to breathe, rest in the Lord and trust Him to do what only He can. Here are five biblical principles to help you.
Improve your relationship with God: 4 habits of strong Christians you should adopt today
Do you want to be full of joy, strength and assurance that you’re in the will of God instead of being defeated, discouraged and ensnared by sin? God desires for you to grow in your faith and elevate to a higher level. You can achieve this id you’re willing to practice the 4 things strong Christians do.