Get Inspired.
A Prophetic Inspiration: An Unlikely Comeback
If you are in a season where you’re going through a rough setback, keep going, keep trusting, keep speaking the Word of God. You’re getting ready to step into your season of the comeback!
Podcast: Bring God what you've got!
When you give God what you have, even if it's only a little, He will increase, favor, promote, and bless you. Be encouraged by this inspiration from Dianna Hobbs.
Dianna Hobbs Podcast: God is preparing you for something bigger
God is preparing you for something! Greater things are ahead for you, but in order to possess all God has for you, it requires you to step outside your comfort zone and walk by faith and not by sight. If you’re willing to do this, God can do great and mighty things on your behalf!
'Daily Cup' Podcast: God is intervening in your situation
Today’s inspiration is to confirm for you that God is intervening in your situation. Even in the hardest times and on the darkest nights, His power is at work. Friend, He is securing the best outcomes for you and reversing what the enemy intended for evil and working it out for our good.
Blessing Taking A Long Time To Manifest? That's okay. God's word does not expire! [PODCAST]
Sometimes, we experience delays, setbacks, challenges and disappointments, and it may seem like the promises of God won’t manifest. But know this: If God made you a promise, no matter how long it takes or what you come up against, that promise will -- it must -- come to pass! Listen and be encouraged.
Don't Know Why God Allowed This? He has reasons and seasons for doing what He does [PODCAST]
We often stress ourselves out over God’s timing, and we want to rush God. But God is very strategic, and He has reasons and seasons for things, even if we don’t know what they are. Trust Him to manifest the answer you seek at the appointed time. Listen and be blessed!
Podcast: God’s power is enough
Sometimes, you will face hard times. You will lose things. You won’t feel confident. You’ll question your ability to meet the challenge placed in front of you. In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs reminds you, in times like these, God's power is enough! Be blessed as you listen.
Sometimes, you just need a reminder that God will fulfill His promises
This word is for you if you’re going through a season and a process where you are not yet seeing the full manifestation of God’s word and the promises He has spoken over your life. You might not be there yet, but this encouragement will assure you that you are indeed on your way!
Podcast: Surprise! An unexpected blessing is on the way for you
Have you experienced a surprise attack? Has something unexpectedly gone wrong? Has it left you shaken up and not knowing what to do? If so, today’s word will encourage you and remind you that even though you may be surprised by trouble, God never is. And He will give you the victory!
Podcast: What does the word of God say?
In challenging times and moments of uncertainty, Satan will do his best to tempt you, discourage you, and undermine your faith. But when you call to mind what the word of God says and stand on that, you will be equipped, confident, and victorious in every circumstance.
Podcast: God is setting you up
In life, God will allow you to be in uncomfortable positions and situations that you don’t prefer to be in. Sometimes, He’ll assign you to people and places that challenge you greatly. But, in today's podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, if you submit to God, you will reap the blessings He is setting you up to receive!
Podcast: Victory is inevitable
Inevitable means that something is sure to happen. It is preordained and destined to come to pass. And in today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, there is a triumph you will inevitably experience in your life. No matter what things seem like right now, God has something so good on the way for you!
Don't Box God In: God will meet the need His way [AUDIO]
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs assures you that the Lord already knows what you have need of, and He will provide. But He will do it His way. Don’t try to box God in. Be open. Be flexible. And remain in a state of expectancy, and watch Him provide in the way only He can. Listen and be blessed!
The End will be Greater: Victory already belongs to you, even if things look bad right now
Sometimes, in the beginning stages, things look rough. But, don’t let that be a discouragement to you, because God has already written victory into your story. The current chapter may be unpleasant, but if you endure, something awesome is waiting on the other side of this!
Expect Greater: When you have a need, know that God is willing and able to provide
Who’s ready to see a greater manifestation of God’s power, goodness, favor, provision, and blessings? In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs delivers an anointed word, admonishing you to expect God to do greater things, so you can see Him bless you in bigger ways! Get ready to receive.
Podcast: God will defy logic, overcome the odds, and do what looks impossible
You can’t put God in a box. It doesn’t work that way. He will speak something or prophecy something or declare something. And if you look at a situation on the surface, you will come to a totally different conclusion based on your knowledge. God’s wisdom is superior to ours.
When Life Smacks You: When life hits you hard, this is what you do
To be smacked means to be hit hard, and if you live long enough, you will be hit hard by an unexpected storm. But when trouble arises and smacks you, if you seek God and trust Him, He also arises on Your behalf and fights for you. If you have been under attack, listen to this encouragement!
Podcast: God is using your testimony to get the glory and prove He's still working
Although you may face hardship, heartache, trials and struggles, something good is coming out of it. God is delivering you so He can use your testimony of His awesome power to reveal to others that He is still very much alive and at work today! Lift your head and be encouraged.
God never promised everything would be easy, but you can remain grateful anyway
God never promised everything would be easy. However, He did promise that He would cause everything to work together for our good when we love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Therefore, thank God that He is causing all this unpleasant stuff to work out for your good.
You are Entitled to Benefits: God has blessings He has in store for you
A benefit is an advantage. It is something good and helpful. And as a child of God who has placed your faith in Him and submitted your life to His will, there are wonderful blessings and benefits that you are entitled to receive. Believe and know that there is a harvest waiting for you!