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All is not lost: Remember to be grateful for what you have left
Whatever you may lose along the way, the most valuable treasure, Jesus Christ, who was made flesh then died and rose for our sins, will never leave nor forsake you. He is with you always. He will lead you always. He will take care of you always. He will provide for you always. He will restore you always.
Blessing Taking A Long Time To Manifest? That's okay. God's word does not expire! [PODCAST]
Sometimes, we experience delays, setbacks, challenges and disappointments, and it may seem like the promises of God won’t manifest. But know this: If God made you a promise, no matter how long it takes or what you come up against, that promise will -- it must -- come to pass! Listen and be encouraged.
Think of God's Goodness: One of the best ways to strengthen your faith is to stroll down memory lane
When life gets overwhelming or Satan attacks, it’s important to find a place where you can get quiet, and do a little thinking about God’s past displays of His power and majesty in your life. You’ll no doubt come away praising and rejoicing, and your faith will be stronger than ever!
What would you do if you knew you were one step away from a breakthrough?
You may not be receiving any awards or validation right now. You may not see great things manifesting. Your life may show forth no fruit of obedience yet. That doesn’t mean the steps you’re taking don’t count. Every step counts, especially steps you take by faith!
Every day you wake up, expect the unexpected
None of us knows when God will do something spectacular. We can’t predict His ways. All we can do is trust His leading, His timing and His faithfulness. Though we don’t know when, where or how God will show up, we can be confident that He has extraordinary plans!
What do you do when your circumstances look nothing like God's promises? Here's what.
Even in times when you strain to see God’s promises, hope in God. Your eyes may fail you, but your faith will not. Your natural vision may be blurry, but your spiritual vision will remain clear. If, right now, your circumstances look rough, stop focusing on what you see in the natural.
Podcast: Declare something over your year!
When you declare God’s promises over your year, life will change for the better, and you’ll see victory after victory. God will knock down walls for you and allow you to cross over the border from the wilderness to your Promised Land. The key is being open to God’s will and surrendering to His way.
Do you feel like you're losing in life? Remember, victory belongs to Jesus!
Take comfort in knowing that no matter what it looks like, our Jesus Christ, who always causes us to triumph, is positioning you for victory. Don’t focus on your circumstances. Trust the One who is Lord over your circumstances to turn things around in your favor.
The End will be Greater: Victory already belongs to you, even if things look bad right now
Sometimes, in the beginning stages, things look rough. But, don’t let that be a discouragement to you, because God has already written victory into your story. The current chapter may be unpleasant, but if you endure, something awesome is waiting on the other side of this!
However Long It Takes: How to keep believing God when going through your waiting season
Know that, if God said it, it has to happen. When things are moving slowly in your life, tell yourself: However long it takes, I will trust God; however long it takes, I will believe; however long it takes, I will confess God’s promises; however long it takes, I refuse to give up.
Podcast: Even now, God is able
Sometimes, God allows you to go through complicated situations where chances of a favorable outcome appear slim or simply impossible. He’ll let more time pass than you expected, before He shows up, just to prove that, with Him, all things are possible. Even now, God is able!
Podcast: This is a sign
This message is a sign that whatever has you bound, it has to let you go. Whether it be sickness, or lack, or depression, or fear, or whatever stronghold has come to lock you up, it has to release you. Why? Because God has a work for you to do. Listen and be blessed!