Get Inspired.
Are you being specific enough in your prayer requests to God?
In this season, God wants you to get specific. What do you specifically want Him to do for you? Sure, you want Him to bless you, but in what way?
Why hasn't God let you move past this phase yet? Here's the answer you need.
Things may not look the best today. Prayer requests may still be unanswered. But God’s not done. Not done blessing you. Not done increasing you. Not done opening doors for you. Not done healing you. Not done restoring you. Not done making an example out of you for His glory!
Things Imperfect? Thank God for your current season anyway
Even though this may not be your favorite season, guess what? It is your favored season, because God’s hand of favor is forever outstretched. In every season, He cares for you and sees what you’re going through. And He will bless you, my friend, in spite of all the obstacles you face and what you may lose.
Every day you wake up, expect the unexpected
None of us knows when God will do something spectacular. We can’t predict His ways. All we can do is trust His leading, His timing and His faithfulness. Though we don’t know when, where or how God will show up, we can be confident that He has extraordinary plans!
Are you facing an overwhelming problem today? God is willing to help you
It doesn’t matter how persistent the problem, how dire the situation, or how insurmountable the obstacle, the Lord is able. What seems too hard to manage, too difficult to handle, and too complicated to resolve does not challenge God. He is willing to help you, to command change and cause things to shift in an instant.
Got a need? God is the best provider!
God keeps every promise. If He said it, then He will do it. Trust Him, and don’t stress over your circumstances. You serve the greatest provider, way-maker, door-opener, body-healer, and the only true Savior. No matter what happens know that God has you covered.
Devotion: God is doing something unusual
Don’t know what God is up to? Remain open and flexible. Let God do things His way. The route might be unconventional, but if you trust Him, He’ll open the floodgates of Heaven. He’ll send rain in the middle of your dry season and give you an amazing harvest in a time of famine!
Devotion: Thank God for what He blocks and allows
God blocks some attacks of the enemy. But whatever does get through the divine filter, even if it is uncomfortable, is being used to further shape and refine you. If God chose not to filter out this latest assault on your faith, family, finances, health, or stability, it is working for you and not against you.
Devotion: Trust God. He is your refuge!
God is inviting you to open wide and taste of His goodness. Run to Him as your refuge in the storm, and watch Him bless you. Watch Him deliver you. Watch Him heal you. Watch Him lift you. Watch Him favor you. Watch Him make ways for you. Watch Him take care of you. Watch Him shelter you from the storm.
Devotion: Fear not! God is with you
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t be fearful of the threats of the enemy. The way you overcome fearfulness is by focusing on God’s faithfulness. Put your confidence in the One who never fails. Believe Him for the best, because the best is really yet to come.
Are things looking so bad that you feel discouraged? This is not the end. It’s the start of a new season.
What may appear to the be the end: the end of a job; the end of a relationship; the end of health; the end of happiness; and the end of something good… is actually the start of something better. It’s the start of a new season. God will do even greater things. He is not finished with you yet.
Get Excited: 6 scriptures to prepare you for your breakthrough
There is a harvest coming. There is a blessing with your name on it. You will be rewarded for remaining faithful through all that you have suffered. To prepare your heart and mind to receive your breakthrough, read these 6 scriptures and believe God to show up in your situation.
Look up and be grateful: 5 scriptures to make you more joyful, thankful and blessed
Do you find yourself perpetually stressed out and often complaining? If you are tired of walking with your head hung low, venting about all that upsets you, and you’re ready to unlock the riches of God’s goodness reserved for the grateful, read these 5 verses to make you more joyful, thankful and blessed.