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Uplifting Your Spirit: 5 benefits of turning to Scripture in times of sadness and despair
Life may be full of challenges for you right now, and it's not uncommon to experience moments of sadness and despair in such times. But when you turn to the beautiful teachings of the Bible for inspiration and guidance, there are immense benefits.
You Should Pray This: 7 Scriptural prayers for your mental health
EEW Magazine Online is offering you these 7 powerful Bible verses to pray over your mental health. They work!
Struggling with Bad Habits? 7 biblically-supported ways to fight temptation and overcome
Struggling with bad habits? Don’t know how to break free. EEW Magazine Online is equipping you with 7 biblically-supported ways to fight temptation and overcome.
Be still and know that I am God: The powerful meaning behind this Bible verse
You may be familiar with this verse because it is one of the more popular Scriptures in the Bible. But do you know what it means? Do you know what situations to apply it to?
Girl, Fight Back! 6 effective Scriptures to use as weapons against the enemy
Satan, who behaves a lot like a persistent school bully, loves to target you to wound your faith. Look no further than the life of Job to see how Satan revels in attacking God’s greatest warriors hoping they will surrender in defeat.
Possessions Don't Determine Worth: 5 Scriptures that expose how God really sees materialism
While there is nothing wrong with having nice things, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking stuff rather than seeking God, the word of the God can help you avoid this snare.
Hallelujah! 7 of the best biblical psalms to help you get your praise on
Since we are human and subject to fluctuations in our emotions and in our level of desire to give God praise—especially in times of hardship, heartbreak, and difficulty—we need to have Scriptures on-hand to help us get our praise on.
Be optimistic! Our Top 7 recommended Bible verses to help you believe the best in every season
In spring, summer, fall or winter, God is faithful. Yet, life can trip you up and cause you to stumble in your faith. Fight back with the word of God.
Pray The Word: 7 powerful Bible verses you should be adding to your prayer repertoire
Scripture tells us, “We do not know what we ought to pray for,” so the Holy Spirit helps us (Romans 8:26). If you want to strengthen your prayer life but don’t quite know how, here are 7 powerful Bible verses to incorporate into your prayers to make them more effective.