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#Podcast: Tell God how you feel
When you’re going through something hard, you don’t have to conceal your emotions, or find the right way to say what’s on your heart. God wants you to come to Him with all your questions, struggles, emotions, and vulnerabilities, and let Him hold you and assure you of His amazing plan to lift you up and restore you.
This Little Light of Mine: 10 ways to shine brighter for the Lord
Matthew 5:14 says, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” God made you to shine for His glory and honor. You are His vessel and ambassador. If you have a true desire for others to see Jesus through your life, here are 10 surefire ways to shine even brighter for the Lord.
Stop trying to fit in! 7 Bible verses to remind you that the world won’t embrace you
Many Christians try to water down their beliefs to be more relatable and end up choosing political correctness over biblical accuracy. Don’t make this mistake of attempting to be embraced by the world, because being a follower of Christ puts you at odds with the world. You will never fit in!
When fear is overwhelming, these 5 Bible verses will chase it away
If you find yourself in a situation that appears hopeless, scary and too difficult to handle, use these 5 scriptures to help you boldly trust God. As you attach your faith to each verse, you will become braver, more confident and optimistic about the outcome. If you’re ready to kick fear to the curb, keep reading!