Is Life Feeling Pretty Hard? You are prepared for this!
The following devotion is written by EEW founder Dianna Hobbs and used by permission from her Daily Cup of Inspiration blog. For more encouragement like this, visit Dianna’s official blog.
Yesterday, our family celebrated my son Kedar’s 17th birthday, and we had a wonderful time together. One of the gifts he requested was a new set of 35 pound dumbbells, because he loves working out.
But my husband Kenya had the hardest time finding a set. Everywhere we looked, they were sold out. And when he did find a pair online, the estimated delivery date was set for some time in October, possibly November, so they wouldn’t get here in time for Kedar’s birthday. Because of the pandemic, gyms are closed in many places, and folks are purchasing dumbbells and other exercise equipment to use at home. As a result, dumbbells are in short supply.
So Kenya told Kedar that the weights he wanted wouldn’t get here on time. Kedar understood and was fine with that. He knows that delays happen.
For quite some time though, Kedar has been building his muscles. I remember when he started out doing bicep curls with 10 pound weights, then 20, then 25. He now wants to move up to 35 pounds.
I’ve learned a lot about weight training from my son. He taught me about the concept of progressive overload which is gradually increasing the amount of weight you lift. In body building, when you continually and incrementally increase the demand on your musculoskeletal system, and force the muscles to work harder, you build them up. The more weight or resistance you add, the more the strength and size of the muscle increases.
Progressive overload isn’t just a principle for building physical muscles, but it also works when building faith muscles. God allows greater resistance in our lives to force us to exercise and strengthen our faith muscles more. And just like with physical weight-lifting, the increase in resistance feels uncomfortable. Yet, God knows that the challenge is good for us and will produce much fruit. As hard as it may be, He also knows how much weight we can handle and just the right amount of pressure to apply.
“God has been grooming you for greatness, preparing you for the promise, and setting you up for a major breakthrough. Now, you’re about to cross over into a new dimension of blessings and favor!”
God applied pressure to Joshua by choosing him to lead Israel across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land after Moses had died in Joshua 1. Though this was a big responsibility, God didn’t just spring it on him. He had already selected Joshua before Moses transitioned.
In fact, the Lord gave Moses clear instructions for progressively overloading and strengthening Joshua’s leadership muscles in Numbers 27:12-23. How did God do this? He told Moses to lay his hands on Joshua, validate his position and authority in front of the priest and the Israelites, and teach Joshua to seek the Lord for direction and instructions through the priest, Eleazar.
As you see, God got Joshua all set up, polished and prepared before Moses was buried. And even though the task of leadership felt overwhelming and intimidating for him, Joshua was strong enough to handle it, just as you are strong enough to handle your assignment.
There are some roles that you are now occupying, challenges you are now facing, opposition you are now dealing with, and responsibility you are now taking on, and it doesn’t feel easy always. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t ready for it. God has been preparing you, progressively overloading you, refining you, maturing you, and positioning you to do all the things He has purposed for you.
Joshua rose to the occasion and successfully led Israel across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land. And you, my friend, will successfully cross over into your land of promise just as God has said.
Today, God’s word to you is Joshua 1:9 NLT, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration. It says this: “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, keep in mind that the words of this passage were spoken to Joshua by God as He was on the brink of possessing the promise. You, too, are on the brink of something great. So don’t be afraid or discouraged. God is with you.