Be Empowered.
Shining the Light of Truth: 8 Faith-Focused Ways to Discern Gaslighting and Stand Firm in Your Spiritual Reality
EEW Magazine Online is sharing with you will 8 critical methods to identify gaslighting, infused with the wisdom of the Word, and offering guidance on how to reclaim the truth of your identity in Christ.
Struggling with your mental health? 11 hugely impactful things you can do to help
Being a Christian does not exempt you from mental health struggles. Even when you follow Christ, emotional and psychological issues caused by the pandemic, grief, trauma, or bad genetics, are a real concern for millions.
The mistake Simone Biles made that everybody should be talking about, but no one is
Biles’ greatest misstep is unrelated to her bounding all the way off the competition mat following one tumbling pass or carrying so much momentum on her beam dismount that she took three huge steps backward.