Think You’re a Hot Mess? 4 imperfect women of the Bible chosen by a perfect God
Photo Credit: Getty // Illustration EEW Magazine
By Starr Evans // Biblical Wisdom // EEW Magazine Online
Who told you that God couldn’t use you because your past is imperfect? Who said that being a hot mess at one point in time—even if that time was recent—would exclude you forever from doing great things for God?
If that were the case, some of the women we admire in Scripture would have never been chosen to impact the world. Therefore, despite feeling like your mistakes disqualify you from destiny, EEW Magazine Online is disproving that.
Here are 4 examples of imperfect women of the Bible who were yet chosen by a perfect God—and you are chosen, too!
The Promiscuous One: The Samaritan woman at the well had already been married five times and was currently living with her boo thang when she met Jesus. She was by no means regarded as pure, wholesome, or fit to become one of the greatest evangelists to ever share the gospel. Nevertheless, God used her in a mighty way.
Reference Scripture: John 4
The Demon-possessed One: Most people have behaved in a devilish manner before, but it’s another thing to be possessed by the devil! Mary Magdalene, who became one of Jesus’ most loyal followers, was possessed with seven demons. Before she could be useful, He had to cast these evil spirits out. Once she was cleansed, she became a big part of Jesus’ ministry team! Take that, devil.
Reference Scripture: Luke 8:2
“Despite your mistakes, imperfections, and past stumbles, God still has purpose for your life. You are not disqualified; you are justified by faith! (Romans 5:1)”
The Skeptical One: When Sarah, wife of Abraham, overheard God’s messenger saying she would become a first-time mom at 90, she laughed skeptically (then lied about it), but that didn’t stop her from getting what God promised. Sure, we know that without faith it is impossible to please God; Scripture says in Hebrews 11:6. Even so, weak faith and skepticism do not disqualify you from receiving great things from God and doing awesome things for Him. You don’t have to be the strongest faith warrior in the world to fit into God’s plan.
Reference Scripture: Genesis 18:9-15
The Prostituting One: Rahab, the sex worker, was surely written off by plenty folks as low-class, disgraceful, and most certainly unusable in the Kingdom of God. But when she believed in the God of Israel and put action behind her faith by saving the Israelite spies from being captured in Jericho, God rewarded her and made her one to emulate. She went from prostitute to proselyte to a prototype of faith.
Reference Scripture: Joshua 2
Any time you hear voices, whether they are internal or external, saying your hot mess status ruins your chances of fulfilling divine destiny, remember these four women.
Just as God redeemed them, showed them mercy, and favored them, He will do the same for you.