News & Updates
PR team for women’s ministry leader Dianna Hobbs provides updated health status report
Thank you all for your prayers, support and outpouring of love during an unexpectedly difficult time in Dianna’s life. She had a stroke and suffered more than 20 seizures. Her family traveled from far and wide to be by her bedside in the ICU when things appeared to be the worst. Get more details.
We are praying: 2 mass shootings in less than 24 hours shock US; 29 killed
Christians around the world are praying after two separate mass shooters in Ohio and Texas killed 29 people and inured about 50 in less than 24 hours. Officers gunned down the Ohio shooter and arrested the El Paso shooter as hundreds fled a crowded shopping center. While gun laws need to change, we must never stop being prayerful.
Family gives thanks: Women’s ministry leader Dianna Hobbs out of ICU, now at home
Award-winning ministry leader, Dianna Hobbs, has been transferred out of intensive care and is now recovering in her Upstate New York home. Things first took a turn for the worst hours after the 42-year-old had a total hysterectomy to treat and cure two non-life-threatening conditions: adenomyosis and fibroids.
Living a blessed life: Tamron Hall talks marriage, motherhood and faith
Journalist Tamron Hall is living a blessed life! With a supportive husband, gorgeous new baby boy, and thriving career, God has smiled on this woman of faith. But she wasn’t all smiles after walking away from her post as an NBC “Today” show anchor in February 2017. These days, all that sorrow is behind her.
Well-deserved: Ava Duvernay’s ‘When They See Us’ earns a whopping 16 Emmy nominations
Ava Duvernay’s gripping four-part series, “When They See Us,” which impacted 23 million Netflix accounts worldwide, has racked up a whopping 16 Emmy Award nominations. “Thank you to the real men for inviting me to tell their story,” wrote the director, co-writer and producer.
Feel like the world has gone crazy? 10 Bible verses to keep you sane
With eroding morals, dirty politics, rampant racism and corruption everywhere you look, sometimes, it feels like the world has gone crazy, but you don’t have to. The Bible is the perfect source to keep your heart and mind at peace in times of trouble. Read these 10 verses to protect your heart and mind!
Tweet wars: As accusations of racism, xenophobia and incivility fly, how should Christians respond?
President Donald Trump has ignited a war of words on Twitter after firing off racist tweets that have been widely condemned, aimed at four progressive congresswomen of color. As the back-and-forth accusations of racism, xenophobia and incivility fly, how should Christians respond?
What does the Bible say about how we should treat immigrants? 7 scriptures to know
As our nation focuses on the immigration crisis resulting in men and women being caged in overcrowded detention facilities, and migrant children being separated from their families, it is a good time to closely examine what the Bible says about how we should treat immigrants.
5 reasons many doubt Jussie Smollet’s story of a racist, homophobic attack by Trump supporters
Black openly gay actor, Jussie Smollett, has supporters and doubters of his story of being the target of a homophobic, racist, and politically-motivated attack by Donald Trump supporters. But those who doubt the voracity of his story are growing in number.
Prayers up: ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett beaten, hospitalized following apparent hate crime
35-year-old “Empire” actor, Jussie Smollett, was reportedly the victim of a hate crime in Chicago. He was taken to a hospital and later released in good condition. What happened?
Kamala Harris announces presidential bid
Kamala Harris, a first-term senator and former California attorney general known for her rigorous questioning of President Donald Trump’s nominees, entered the Democratic presidential race on Monday.
#MLKDay: Dr. Bernice King opens up about the lessons taught from her father's life [VIDEO]
esus said in Matthew 23:11, “The greatest among you will be your servant,” and this is the scripture Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King, daughter of Coretta Scott King and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., grew up hearing most.
Inspiration: Don't go by what you see
Are you struggling because your situation looks bad on the outside? Is worry trying to grip your heart? In today’s inspiration, the message is simple: don’t focus on what you see. Focus on what God has said. Trust and obey the word of the Lord. This is the key to releasing divine favor and unlocking the treasure trove of blessings He has in store for you. Stay anchored in Him.
Women’s ministry leader, Dianna Hobbs, celebrates 21st wedding anniversary with throwback engagement photos
Dianna Hobbs, the award-winning Founder of Empowering Women Ministries, is celebrating 21 years of marital bliss with her husband, Pastor Kenya Hobbs, by sharing sweet throwback photos of the couple’s 1997 engagement. The two wed on January 17, 1998.
We love the Word: African-Americans have higher levels of Bible engagement
A new State of the Bible survey by American Bible Society reveals that African-Americans have higher levels of Bible engagement than other groups in the U.S., showing a greater affinity for Scripture than most. 93% own at least one Bible in their homes.
#WorldMentalHealthDay: Erasing the stigma and shame for Christians with depression
Depression. It’s one of the most taboo subjects in the Christian community, yet with depression affecting more than 19 million Americans each year, 12 million of them being women (According to Mental Health America), I am willing to bet that at least half of them are filling the pews of churches everywhere.
Your voice matters: Speak up and share your truth about sexual assault
It's hard and scary to share your truth when it's not embraced, but speak up anyway. One thing's for sure, nothing is hidden from God and He will always vindicate you. It may not happen in the ways you expect, but our loving Father will always bring justice on your behalf in some way.
Our Top 5 favorite ‘lessons learned’ from Jonathan McReynolds’ birthday reflections
Last month, gospel singer Jonathan McReynolds turned 29 years old and took occasion to share wisdom that far exceeds his years on earth. On his Life Room Talk blog, he shared 16 truths he lives by that he has discovered in his less than 30 years on earth. EEW is choosing our Top 5 favorites.
WATCH: Kierra Sheard on how to defeat feelings of inadequacy and avoid the comparison trap
Everyone at some point has struggled with feelings of inadequacy and grappled with worries about not measuring up—including awarding-winning Gospel singer and entrepreneur, Kierra Sheard. She says she’s had to identify and fight against the false belief that she isn’t good enough to succeed in her divine purpose.
Talk about it: Actress Taraji P. Henson says ‘you can’t pray away’ mental health issues
You may be able to pray away some things, but a serious mental health issue isn’t one of them according to Academy Award-nominated actress, Taraji P. Henson. She has launched The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation to get rid of the stigma surrounding mental health in the black community.