Conservative activist Candace Owens hits back against ‘disgusting’ hate aimed toward her
Article By EEW Magazine // Politics
Conservative activist Candace Owens, is hitting back against the hatred she has received for being vocal about her conservative political views.
The 29-year-old, who spoke before the House Judiciary Committee on hate crimes and white nationalism, said, “When I announced that I was a conservative, I’d never seen anything more racist, more disgusting, more vitriolic, and more hate that’s come my way my entire life.”
Owens, the communications director of Turning Point USA, a conservative organization with chapters at high schools and colleges across the country, is also the founder of Blexit, an organization that encourages black people to leave the Democratic Party.
Though she has not always been conservative, she said the switch happened “when I became educated about the issues and stopped reacting emotionally, which is what the left wants us to do presumably when they hold up pictures of burning churches.”
On numerous occasions, the Stamford, Connecticut native has decried what she views as the Democratic Party’s parading of lightening rod social issues and racially divisive topics to keep the black vote, and maintain power.
“I began to examine the facts and look at some of the narratives they were spinning—for example in 2016 it was police brutality—and I realized that they are dissuading us against our own best interests,” she said. “And I wanted to have a more productive dialogue with the black community about the issues that are actually affecting us, and impacting us.”
Owens claims it was that shift in her ideology that made her a target for hate by the media and members of the Democratic Party.
“I’ve been referred to as an Uncle Tom, a bed wench—for those of you that don’t know, that means a slave that sleeps with the Master— a House N*gger, and these are all words that have been said over and over again about black conservatives when they have the audacity to think for themselves, and become educated about our history, and the myth of things like the ‘Southern Switch’ and the ‘Southern Strategy’, which never happened.”
In an interview with Evie Magazine, Owens elaborated on the Southern Switch.
“The first bit of knowledge that any person that is still under the spell of the Democrat Party will present to you is that the Parties magically switched sometime during the Nixon era,” she said.
“When you ask them to specifically name all of the congress members who switched — they can’t seem to do it. It is the clearest symptom that a mass brainwashing has taken place. They know it happened, but they can’t seem to tell you how it took place, or who exactly was involved. When they conduct independent research, they are naturally shocked to discover that they have accepted a reality that simply isn’t so. “
Credit: Gage Skidmore
To read more about the perspective that the Southern Strategy— believed to be a Republican Party electoral strategy to boost political support among white voters in the South by drumming up racism against African Americans—never happened, click here.
Owens is a controversial figure to be sure. She became the subject of national controversy for a response she gave while speaking in London in December about her feelings on nationalism, which BuzzFeed News reported in February.
In response to a question, Owens said she did not have any problems with the word nationalism, and that its definition was poisoned by elitists who want globalism, according to a video of the response.
“Whenever we say nationalism, the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler,” she said. “He was a national socialist. If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine.
“The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German, everybody to look a different way. To me, that’s not nationalism. In thinking about how we could go bad down the line, I don’t really have an issue with nationalism. I really don’t.”
Her comments, which received harsh criticism and widespread condemnation, was played in part before the House Judiciary Committee by Democratic House Representative, Ted Lieu of California—a move Owens blasted.
Credit: Evie
She said of Lieu, “He purposefully extracted—he cut off—and you didn’t hear the full question that was asked of me. He’s trying to present [the clip] as if I was launching a defense of Hitler in Germany when, in fact, the question that was asked of me was pertaining to whether or not I believed in nationalism, and that nationalism was bad.”
Owens continued with her explanation: “And what I responded to is that I do not believe that we should be characterizing Hitler as a nationalist. He was a homicidal, psychopathic maniac that killed his own people. A nationalist would not kill their own people. That is exactly what I was referring to in the clip, and he purposely wanted to give you a cut-up similar to what they do to Donald Trump to create a different narrative. That was unbelievably dishonest, and he did not allow me to respond to it, which is worrisome and should tell you a lot about where people are today in terms of trying to drum up narratives.”
Back when Owens’ Hitler comments were first made, the Anti-Defamation League took to Twitter to criticize her.
The ADL tweet read: “Candace Owens bizarrely claims Hitler went wrong only when he meddled in other countries. Hitler’s murderous crimes against Jews & others were horrific regardless of whether they occurred across Europe or in Germany alone. Hitler wasn’t a ‘globalist’ but a genocidal dictator.”
She has never denied the horror of Hitler’s crimes.
“For those watching— are you noticing how every Democrat congress member that mentions me refuses to let me respond to their claims?” Owens asked in a tweet. “It’s because they know they are being dishonest and lying. They are shutting down my speech because they know I will expose their lies.”
While Owens has many detractors, she also has a strong army of supporters.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.