You Cannot Know The Mind Of God: Just tust Him through everything
The following devotion is written by EEW founder Dianna Hobbs and used by permission from her Daily Cup of Inspiration blog. For more encouragement like this, visit Dianna’s official blog.
You should have seen me bopping around joyfully today. I had an extra spring in my step, because I was obedient to the Lord and completed my most recent assignment: The Unedited Series, a 14-day podcast series presented by Your Daily Cup of Inspiration.
Today was the final day, and I felt so good when I wrapped in the studio knowing I had followed through on what God called me to do. Though it wasn’t easy every single day to be that vulnerable, it was worth it. When I read the testimonies from people around the world who were blessed by the series, it confirms that God ordained and orchestrated it. Hard as it was, I’m glad I obeyed, and I suspect I will be dancing joyfully – even if poorly – for at least a few more days.
Sometimes, God asks us to do hard things, uncomfortable things and even strange things, right?
Imagine being Hosea. God asked this prophet to marry Gomer, a prostitute, and have children with her (Hosea 1). God said Hosea’s actions were a live illustration of how Israel acted like a prostitute by turning away from the Lord and worshiping other gods (v. 2). Hosea did what God said, though it could not have been easy.
As for strange assignments, God told Jeremiah to bury his underwear in the cleft of a rock (Jeremiah 13). Then, after many days, God sent the prophet to fetch the linen undergarment, and Jeremiah saw that it was ruined and good for nothing. God then prophesied to Jeremiah and said that the Israelites, because of their rebellion and idolatry, would become good for nothing like those underwear (vv. 1-9). Again, this was a live illustration of God’s prophetic purpose and plan.
Just as God gave out special assignments and accomplished His purpose through unconventional means in Bible days, He does the same thing today. There are seasons when God tells us what He wants us to do, why He wants us to do it, and what He will do as a result of our obedience, and sometimes He isn’t that specific.
We can’t always know why God sends us on some missions, why He allows particular things to happen, or why He puts us in certain positions. Despite not knowing, we must still trust that God knows what He’s doing and has a good plan.
“You can’t clearly see or understand what God is doing right now. But He’s about to bring something good out of this season of testing. You will be so blessed. Keep trusting Him through it all!”
Our role is not to figure out the mind of God which is impossible to do anyway. But our job is to be obedient, and trust God through everything. When we surrender to His will, even though we may not understand, that pleases God, because that’s what it means to exercise our faith.
Abraham didn’t know where he was going when God asked him to leave everything that was familiar to him behind (Genesis 12). But Abraham believed the word of God and stepped out on faith, and he was counted righteous because of that.
Just as salvation is obtained by faith (Ephesians 2:8), absolutely everything in our walk with the Lord is based on faith. He wants us to trust Him through whatever – no matter how difficult, unclear, or uncomfortable the circumstances.
If your present season is one in which you lack clarity, God is challenging, stretching, strengthening and growing your faith muscles, so you can believe Him for greater, and do more for Him. God wants to bless you abundantly, but that requires trusting Him completely.
Today, I’m stirring the first portion of Hebrews 10:38 NLT into your cup of inspiration, which says, “And my righteous ones will live by faith.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, believe God through everything, and you will receive everything He has for you.