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Editors’ Choice: 5 Scriptures that will keep you smiling and rejoicing
As a nation, we have plenty to frown about and less to smile and rejoice about lately. Sinking into a funk is pretty easy to do unless you let the word of God renew your hope and restore your joy.
How to be Content in Every Season: Make Jesus the center of your joy
If you’re in a season of life where you aren’t in the place you want to be, don’t let that be a discouragement to you. Find a way to shift your focus from what you don’t have to what you do, and that will help you keep your mind on what matters most of all. Make Jesus the center of your joy!
Need a pick-me-up? 5 Scriptures that tell you exactly what to do when your joy fuel is low
Throughout your life, you will be challenged in many ways. As problems increase, your joyfulness will decrease if you let it by sitting back and doing nothing. If you have been feeling weary, and your joy fuel is low, there are 5 spectacular pick-me-up Bible verses that tell you how to refuel.