Be Encouraged, Friend. Faith will take you everywhere you need to go!
Editor’s Note: This devotion was written by Dianna Hobbs and used by permission from her ‘Your Daily Cup of Inspiration’ blog. To read more encouragement like this, visit
My father taught me from a young age to love the word of God. Study it. Apply it. Declare it. Stand on it. Most of all, believe it.
One of the things he often says to me is, “I just believe God.”
In sickness. In lack. In adversity. In the face of impossible odds, Bishop Joseph Brinson, Sr., has always stressed the importance of faith as the key to releasing the miraculous power of the Holy Ghost in every circumstance.
When I was younger, I didn’t fully grasp the power and potency of faith. I didn’t know the impact of believing God in harrowing situations. But now, as a grown woman who has had her fair share of struggles, I no longer need to take Daddy’s word for it; I know for myself that faith changes everything.
Faith releases miracles. Faith gives you access to all the blessings Christ died and rose to secure for us. Thus, I focus on faith all the time. I harp on it in my personal life and my public ministry. I admonish my family, my children, church members, everybody I know to trust in the name of the Lord.
Earlier, I was reading John 8 and marveling over how it showcases the tragedy of the Pharisees’ lack of faith in Jesus Christ. How in the world, I thought, could they see the Messiah—the One they had been waiting for all their lives—standing before them and be blinded by unbelief?
It’s a shocking thing to behold.
The Pharisees were in the upper echelon of leadership and prided themselves on their mastery of Scripture. However, they were so dense, they denied Jesus’ divine origin, challenged His theology, and outright rejected His teachings.
While these self-important leaders boasted about their Jewish heritage, Jesus flat-out told them, “You do not belong to God” (v. 47). He also told the Pharisees that their Daddy was the devil.
Ouch. Jesus didn’t mince words!
Despite that, the prideful and faithless Pharisees had the audacity to dismiss the Son of God, the Resurrection and Life, the Alpha and Omega, the Son of David, the Root of Jesse, the Seed of Abraham. Shall I go on?
They even accused Jesus of being suicidal (v. 22) and demon possessed (v. 48).
How could they be so far off?
1 Corinthians 2:14 explains,, “But the person without the Spirit does not receive what comes from God’s Spirit, because it is foolishness to him; he is not able to understand it since it is evaluated spiritually” (CSB).
Boom. There’s the answer to the conundrum. The Pharisees did not have the Spirit of God. The point is this: one cannot be fleshly inclined and receive things that are spiritually discerned.
Come on, somebody. Can I get a witness today?
There is no way to conceive, perceive, or receive the things of God without faith. Thus, just as in Bible days, today God is still seeking for followers that will open their hearts to Him and stand on His promises by faith.
Ironically, in John 8, while the church leaders and biblical scholars were doubting the Savior, Scripture says, as Jesus spoke, there were many others that believed in him (v. 30).
Who were these “many others”?
They were the ordinary folks without big church titles that weren’t as high-ranking as the Pharisees. Rank or no rank, they believed in Christ. They didn’t need to be highly esteemed by members of religious cliques.
The true believers did not need social status and man’s accolades to receive the grace, favor, and salvation of the Lord. All they needed was faith in Christ to reap the full benefits of what Jesus had to offer.
And friend, the same is true today!
“Keep walking by faith. Continue trusting God. Don’t be sidetracked when the ugly trio of worry, doubt, and fear rears its head. Stand firm on the word of God and nothing shall be impossible for you!”
I feel led to tell somebody, don’t get caught up in the stuff that doesn’t matter like titles, status, recognition, followers, and other frivolous, meaningless things. Focus on faith. Be determined to believe God no matter what.
Because when you believe, anything is possible. When you believe, you bypass the gatekeepers, naysayers, pretenders and status-chasers. When you believe, what man says is impossible becomes possible (Luke 18:27). When you believe—even if you only have faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed—you can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). When you believe and know in your heart that what you declare shall be done according to the Father’s will, you can have whatsoever you say (Mark 11:23).
Faith secures breakthroughs, and that is precisely what your faith has done for you. God is going to show up for you, reward you, elevate you, increase you, make ways for you, and work miracles for you that will leave others in awe.
Today, the Holy Spirit is leading me to add a two-word command as the sweeter in your cup of inspiration. It is found in the latter portion of Mark 5:36 KJV, which says, “Only believe.”
That’s it.
As you drink down the contents of your cup, focus on your faith. Forget about all the rest of the stuff that seems important and necessary.
Only believe, and watch God do what only He can.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for reminding me that faith is the key ingredient for breakthrough, favor, and blessings. In a world that focuses on carnality, the trappings of success, and man’s approval, help me to put my trust in You and the power of Your word. You promised that if I seek first Your Kingdom and righteousness, all these other things will be added unto me, according to Matthew 6:33. Therefore, I will seek You, trust You, and serve You continually. And I thank You in advance for the rewards I will reap as a result of my faith in You alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dianna Hobbs is founder of EEW Magazine Online and CEO of Empowering Everyday Women Ministries — a 501c3 nonprofit organization that shares the gospel and provides humanitarian aid to the hurting. She is also the writer of Your Daily Cup of Inspiration and executive producer of the companion podcast. Follow Dianna on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. Sign up for her free ministry newsletter here.