Couple Goals: 3 principles for creating the relationship God wants for you and that you deserve

By Sharon Wittman // Relationships // EEW Magazine Online

Couple goals! We’ve all seen that expression thrown around too often on social media. By all accounts, all it takes to be “couple goals” is uploading a nice photo and smiling for the camera. But, deep down, we know better than that.

Posting a picture perfect Instagram snap doesn’t mean that the featured couple is in a picture perfect relationship. While perfect relationships don’t exist and all take work, if you’re serious about experiencing health and longevity inside a loving, committed relationship the way God intended, it is absolutely possible for you.

However, you must roll up your sleeves and put your all into the process.

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To help guide you on your journey to happiness, wholeness, and bliss with the person God has placed in your life, EEW Magazine Online is sharing 3 principles for creating the relationship God wants for you and that you deserve!

 #1 Keep a lid on it. Just like some food can go bad and get stale if you don’t keep an airtight seal on it, the same thing can happen to your relationship. When you don’t keep a lid on your relationship business, meaning keeping some things private, just between the two of you, then you run the risk of unnecessarily seeing a fresh love grow stale. Remember, indiscriminately granting access to your most vulnerable, private spaces is a bad idea.

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#2 Keep faith at the center. Never abandon your faith when you are dating or in a marriage. Leading a lifestyle at odds with biblical values— whether you or your mate are making this mistake—will only lead to disaster. Culture teaches us that certain biblical virtues like loyalty, integrity, faithfulness, and truth are too lofty and unrealistic. Lies! If you keep God first and your faith in Christ at the center, living out your principles will be much easier. Why? Because you will be led by God in all ways, at all times—and who can go wrong with that?

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#3 Do the self-work. Most often, before and after relationships go bad, partners and spouses point fingers at each other. And you know what happens when both parties are more interested in playing the blame game than doing the real work—the self-work that focuses you on how you can improve? You probably already guessed it: things fall apart. A good rule of thumb is in Matthew 7:3—do not judge the “speck” in someone else’s eye but ignore the “log” in your own. If the two of you are doing all you can individually to be your best selves, then, together, you will only be stronger, happier, and better.

Obviously, a lot more can be said about building a healthy, strong relationship—but this is a good place to start.

In addition to what is shared here, always (always!) cover your relationship with prayer, one of the most important ingredients for happiness!


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