Vote, But Don’t Be Scared: 5 reasons not to fear the outcome of the next election

Article By Beth Harris // EEW Magazine Online // Faith & Politics

Lots of people are panicking over politics. What will the outcome of November’s election be? Will Biden be voted in or will Trump get four more years?

All the nail-biting suspense has awakened fear and panic in the hearts and minds of many Americans that are praying to God that the Commander-In-Chief over the next four years will be someone that aligns with their ideological beliefs and political leanings.

If you are among those feeling deep concern over politics and the state of our nation, you are not alone. And if you are also struggling to resist worry, fear and panic, you’re not alone in that either.

Yet, you don’t have to give in. Here are 5 reasons not to be fearful:

#1 Fear and panic don’t serve you. Being fearful, worrying and panicking serves no one. More specifically, this doesn’t serve you. Though times are trying and uncertain, and a lot is at stake in the upcoming election, being frazzled, cooking up doomsday scenarios in your mind, and letting rhetoric make you lose hope, is not the way to go. You are resilient. Whatever the outcome of the election is, we as a nation, with God’s help, will rise and thrive. We always have and always will.

#2 All you can do is your part. Why stay up at night freaking out over things that are outside your realm of control? All you can do is your part, which means vote, and encourage others to vote. Beyond that, there are many reputable organizations locally, regionally, and nationally that you can align with to help register voters, organize volunteers, and fight voter suppression. Do what you can to be fruitful and productive.

#3 The president isn’t the most impactful. We often focus most of our attention and energy on the Executive Branch of government – the president, governor and mayor – but they don’t make the laws. The Legislative Branch – Congress, the State House and City Council – is even more important. Legislators write the laws that are either approved or vetoed by the Executive Branch. But unfortunately, we don’t often show up to vote for legislators. Let’s do better.

#4 You have power to do good. Politicians are not God. Though they can be forces for change – both good and bad – you still have power to do good things, no matter who’s in office. There is no one stopping you from rolling up your sleeves and doing something worthwhile in your community. Just choose a cause, and focus on it. There are countless mentorship opportunities and chances to educate and be a leader outside existing traditional systems. What are you doing? Get busy and stay that way.

#5 God is in control. Ultimately, the sovereign will of God will be done despite who controls the White House or the State House. The universe, which God created, is His domain. He is both the ruler and sustainer of all the inhabitants of the world. Knowing that, why panic because of what a mere mortal can do? Scripture plainly tells us not to fear man (Matthew 10:28), but fear God only.

During these turbulent times, aside from enduring toxic politics, we are facing economic uncertainty and a deadly pandemic. The best way to get through this is to pray, take appropriate action, and never, ever give up hope.


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